coracle — ● coracle nom masculin Embarcation fluviale ou lacustre légère, faite de branchages entrecroisés et recouverts de peaux ou de toiles imperméabilisées, se manœuvrant à la pagaie. coracle [kɔʀakl] n. m. ou f. ÉTYM. 1898, Nouveau Larousse illustré;… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Coracle — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Dos coracles utilizados para la pesca del salmón en el río Teifi, en 1972. El coracle es un primitivo bote ligero, cuya forma permite llevarlo a la espalda. Características Mide unos 2 m. y está fabricado con … Wikipedia Español
coracle — round boat of wicker, coated with skins, 1540s (the thing is described, but not named, in the Anglo Saxon Chronicle from 9c.), from Welsh corwgl, from corwg, cognate with Gael. curachan, M.Ir. curach boat, which probably is the source of M.E.… … Etymology dictionary
Coracle — Cor a*cle, n. [W. corwgl, cwrwgl, fr. corwg, cwrwg, any round body or vessel, the trunk of the body, carcass.] A boat made by covering a wicker frame with leather or oilcloth. It was used by the ancient Britons, and is still used by fisherman in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
coracle — (izg. kòrakl) m DEFINICIJA velški i irski maleni čamac (1 2 m) od pletena pruća premazan masom koja ne propušta vodu; pelota, parachal, guffa ETIMOLOGIJA engl. ← ir. curach … Hrvatski jezični portal
coracle — ► NOUN ▪ a small, round boat made of wickerwork covered with a watertight material, propelled with a paddle. ORIGIN Welsh corwgl, related to Scottish Gaelic and Irish curach small boat … English terms dictionary
coracle — [kôr′ə kəl] n. [< Welsh corwgl < corwg, orig., leather covered boat; akin to L corium, hide: see CORIUM] a short, roundish boat made as of animal skins or canvas waterproofed and stretched over a wicker or wooden frame … English World dictionary
Coracle — Coracles on the River Teifi, West Wales 1972. The two people pictured are John (forefront) and Will Davies of Cenarth the last two legitimate Coracle fishermen in Cenarth. They are both using the single arm method of propulsion a way of gliding… … Wikipedia
Coracle — Coracles de la Rivière Teifi, Pays de Galles 1972. Un coracle (en gallois cwrwgl) est un type primitif de bateau, dont des formes proches ou dérivées sont encore utilisées dans plusieurs endroits du monde … Wikipédia en Français
coracle — UK [ˈkɒrək(ə)l] / US [ˈkɔrək(ə)l] noun [countable] Word forms coracle : singular coracle plural coracles a small round boat made from animal skins … English dictionary