Dabba — Not to be confused with Dabbat al ard or tiffin carrier. Dabba is a South African company that is pioneering the establishment of village telcos. It uses wireless technology to provide voice and data services to under serviced areas. Dabba… … Wikipedia
dabba sig — • dabba, sig, dumma sig, blamera, sig … Svensk synonymlexikon
dabba — v ( de, t) VARD jag dabbade mig gjorde bort mig, begick ett misstag … Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok
Yabba Dabba Doo! — Yabadabadoo!, auch Yabba Dabba Doo!, ist ein geflügeltes Wort der amerikanischen Umgangssprache. Der Begriff, der üblicherweise in der Form eines kurzen Ausrufes verwendet wird, dient zumeist dazu, Gefühlen der Freude oder Begeisterung Ausdruck… … Deutsch Wikipedia
I Yabba-Dabba Do! — is a made for television film based on the 1960 66 animated sitcom The Flintstones . It originally aired on ABC (the same network the original series was aired) on February 7, 1993. A VHS version of the film was released January 14, 1997 by… … Wikipedia
yabba dabba doo — interjection An expression of happiness or excitement. Yabba dabba doo! Im off work! … Wiktionary
yabba-dabba-doo — Cockney Rhyming Slang Shoes Nice pair of yabba s mate. For them what don t have a classical education, Yabba Dabba Doo was the catch phrase of Fred Flintstone … English dialects glossary
abba-dabba — /ab euh dab euh/, n. Slang. a person or thing of little importance. [perh. taken from the nonsensical refrain of a popular song Aba Daba Honeymoon (1904)] * * * … Universalium
Abba Dabba — Jim Tobin (baseball player) … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games
abba-dabba — /ab euh dab euh/, n. Slang. a person or thing of little importance. [perh. taken from the nonsensical refrain of a popular song Aba Daba Honeymoon (1904)] … Useful english dictionary