Dickstein — Dickstein, s. Edelsteine … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Dickstein — Dickstein, s. Edelsteinschleiferei … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
Dickstein — Dickstein, Schlifform von Edelsteinen, ein Oktaeder, dessen obere und untere Ecke eben abgeschliffen sind [Tafel: Edelsteine II, 7] … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
DICKSTEIN, SAMUEL — (1885–1954), U.S. congressman. Dickstein, who was born in Vilna, Lithuania, was taken to the U.S. in 1887, when his family settled in New York s Lower East Side. In 1917 he was elected to the Board of Aldermen of New York City, and two years… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Dickstein Shapiro — LLP Headquarters Washington, D.C. No. of offices 3 … Wikipedia
DICKSTEIN, SAMUEL — (1851–1939), mathematician and pedagogue, born in Warsaw. Author of many papers on mathematics and physics, from 1897 he edited Wiadomości Mate matyczne ( Mathematical News ). One of the leaders of Polish Jewish assimilationism, he was its… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Dickstein, Samuel — (1885–1954) The only known member of the U.S. Congress on the Soviet intelligence service’s payroll, Samuel Dickstein spied for money. Dickstein, who served 22 years in the U.S. House of Representatives, had the derogatory code name “Crook” in … Historical dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence
Dickstein, der — Der Dickstein, des es, plur. die e, ein Diamant, welcher nur auf der obern Hälfte brillantiret worden … Grammatisch-kritisches Wörterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart
Dickstein — Dịck|stein, der: mit wenig Facetten geschliffener Schmuckstein … Universal-Lexikon
Samuel Dickstein (congressman) — Samuel Dickstein (February 5, 1885 ndash; April 22, 1954) was a Democratic Congressional Representative from New York, and a New York State Supreme Court Justice. He played a key role in establishing the committee that would become the House… … Wikipedia