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  • Advocaat — (or advokatt) is a rich and creamy liqueur made from eggs, sugar and brandy. It has a smooth taste that is fairly similar to almonds. In English speaking countries it generally contains 15% alcohol (30 proof), but in Continental Europe the… …   Wikipedia

  • advocaat — ► NOUN ▪ a liqueur made with eggs, sugar, and brandy. ORIGIN Dutch, advocate (being originally considered a lawyer s drink) …   English terms dictionary

  • Advocaat — Liqueur d Advocaat surmontée de crème fouettée L advocaat est une liqueur onctueuse d origine néerlandaise, faite de jaune d œuf, de sucre et d alcool. Il a un léger goût rappelant celui des amandes. Dans les pays anglophones, il contient… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Advocaat — Para el entrenador de fútbol holandés, véase Dick Advocaat. Advocaat El advokaat o advocaat es una bebida muy similar al rompope, que se consume en Holanda. Se trata también de un licor denso, preparado con huevo, brandy o …   Wikipedia Español

  • advocaat — /ad voh kaht /, n. a Dutch liqueur made with brandy, sugar, and eggs. [1930 35; < D, short for advocatenborrel drink that lubricates the throat of a lawyer, equiv. to advocaat lawyer (see ADVOCATE) + en connective + borrel drink, nip < ?] * * * …   Universalium

  • advocaat — noun A liqueur made of egg yolks, sugar and strong liquor, typically brandy …   Wiktionary

  • advocaat — [ advəkα:] noun a liqueur made with eggs, sugar, and brandy. Origin Du., lit. advocate (being orig. considered a lawyer s drink) …   English new terms dictionary

  • advocaat — ad·vo·caat …   English syllables

  • advocaat — /ˈædvəka/ (say advuhkah), / kat/ (say kaht) noun 1. a liqueur containing brandy, eggs and flavouring. 2. (formerly) a similar drink used for medicinal purposes. {Dutch, originally advocatenborrel the drink of advocates} …  

  • advocaat — afkati …   Woordenlijst Sranan

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