

Dowland ist der Name von

  • John Dowland (1563−1626), englischer Komponist
  • Robert Dowland (1591−1641), Komponist und Lautenist der englischen Renaissance
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  • DOWLAND (J.) — DOWLAND JOHN (1563 1626) De ce grand luthiste et chanteur de l’époque élisabéthaine, on ignore s’il naquit en Angleterre ou en Irlande, d’où était originaire sa famille. Dès 1580, à l’âge de dix sept ans, John Dowland se trouve à Paris dans la… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Dowland — (John) (1563 1626) luthiste et compositeur anglais …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Dowland —   [ daʊlənd], John, englischer Lautenist und Komponist, * London (?) 1563, begraben ebenda 20. 2. 1626. Seine Werke, u. a. drei Bücher »Songes or ayres« (1597 1603, sein Hauptwerk), »Lachrimae« (1605, Pavanen für Laute und Violen oder Violinen),… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Dowland — [dou′lənd] John 1563? 1626; Eng. lutenist & composer of songs …   English World dictionary

  • Dowland — John Dowland John Dowland était un compositeur et luthiste né en Angleterre ou en Irlande en 1563 et mort le 20 février 1626. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Œuvre 3 Notes et références …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Dowland — n. John Dowland (1563 1626), English composer and lutist; family name …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Dowland — noun English lutenist and composer of songs for the lute (1563 1626) • Syn: ↑John Dowland • Instance Hypernyms: ↑lutist, ↑lutanist, ↑lutenist, ↑composer * * * /dow leuhnd/, n. John, 1563 1626, Engl …   Useful english dictionary

  • DOWLAND, John — (1563 1626) John Dowland was the foremost composer of English lute music. From an artisan family, the seventeen year old Dowland went to Paris in the service of the ambassador to France, Sir Henry Cobham, possibly in order to study music. He… …   Renaissance and Reformation 1500-1620: A Biographical Dictionary

  • Dowland, John — born 1562/63, Westminster, London, Eng. died Jan. 21, 1626, London English composer and lutenist. Educated at Oxford, he was refused a court position in 1594 and, believing his adoptive Catholicism had been the cause, he left for the continent.… …   Universalium

  • Dowland, John — (1562 1626)    Dowland and Thomas Campion rank as the leading English composers of songs for the lute. Dowland is noted for his subtle melody and for the verse that he wrote for the vocal part of the performance. His air Flow, My Tears was his… …   Historical Dictionary of Renaissance

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