

Dynasty steht für:

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  • Dynasty IT — Dynasty Seitenansicht Dynasty IT IT Hersteller: Dynasty Produktionszeitraum …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Dynasty — Dynasty: Dodge Dynasty  американский легковой автомобиль. Dynasty (книга)  книга, написанная Петром Голенчуком. Dynasty (компьютерная игра)  игра для компьютера Apple II. В музыке: Dynasty (ассоциация)  финская музыкальная… …   Википедия

  • Dynasty — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para la serie del mismo nombre, véase Dinastía (serie de TV). Dynasty (1979) Álbum de Kiss Publicación 23 de Mayo, 1979 Grabación …   Wikipedia Español

  • Dynasty — Dy nas*ty (d[imac] nas*t[y^] or d[i^]n as*t[y^]; 277), n.; pl. {Dynasties} ( t[i^]z). [Gr. dynastei a lordship, fr. dynastey ein to hold power or lordship, fr. dyna sths: cf. F. dynastie dynasty. See {Dynast}.] 1. Sovereignty; lordship; dominion …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dynasty — index bloodline, descent (lineage), family (common ancestry), origin (ancestry) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C …   Law dictionary

  • dynasty — mid 15c. (earlier dynastia, late 14c.), from M.Fr. dynastie and directly from L.L. dynastia, from Gk. dynasteia power, lordship, sovereignty, from dynastes ruler, chief, from dynasthai have power …   Etymology dictionary

  • dynasty — [n] area of rule absolutism, ascendancy, dominion, empire, government, house, regime, sovereignty, sway; concepts 435,508 …   New thesaurus

  • dynasty — ► NOUN (pl. dynasties) 1) a line of hereditary rulers. 2) a succession of powerful or prominent people from the same family. DERIVATIVES dynastic adjective dynastically adverb. ORIGIN Greek dunasteia lordship , from dunasthai be able …   English terms dictionary

  • dynasty — [dī′nəs tē] n. pl. dynasties [ME dinastie < ML dynastia < Gr dynasteia, lordship, rule < dynastēs: see DYNAST] 1. a succession of rulers who are members of the same family 2. the period during which a certain family reigns dynastic [dī… …   English World dictionary

  • Dynasty — A dynasty is a succession of rulers who belong to the same family for generations. A dynasty is also often called a house , e.g. the House of Saud or House of Habsburg . In the histories of Europe, much of Asia and some of Africa, ruling and… …   Wikipedia

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