

Ezra ist ein Vorname aus dem Hebräischen mit der BedeutungGott hilft/ ist_Hilfe“.

Bekannte Namensträger sind

  • Ezra Pound, US-amerikanischer Dichter (1885-1972)
  • Ezra Stoller, US-amerikanischer Architekturfotograf (1915-2004)

Ezra ist der Familienname folgender Personen:

Außerdem steht Ezra für

  • einen 2007 gedrehten nigrischen Film, siehe Ezra (Film)
  • die Alternativ-Rock-Band Better Than Ezra aus New Orleans

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Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach:

  • EZRA — (Heb. עֶזְרָא; (YHWH) helps ), priest and scribe who played a major role in the rebuilding of the Temple, after the return from the Babylonian exile. The Man and His Mission Ezra whose name means help (possibly a shortened form for עֲזַרְיָה The… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Ezra — 1 Ezra 2 Ezra 3 Ezra 4 Ezra 5 Ezra 6 Ezra 7 Ezra 8 Ezra 9 Ezra 10 …   The King James version of the Bible

  • Ezra — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Ezra fue un líder religioso judío que vivió en el cuarto siglo a.C. en Babilonia y Jerusalén. Restituyó a la la comunidad judía después de su exilio en Babilonia, persuadiendo a las personas de la Judá a volver a una …   Wikipedia Español

  • EZRA — EZRA, family prominent in India in the 19th and 20th centuries. JOSEPH BEN EZRA BEN JOSEPH KHLEF (d. 1855), one of the notables of the Jewish community in Baghdad, traveled to India at the beginning of the 19th century. Together with his sons… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Ezra — Ȅzra (5. st. pr. Kr.) DEFINICIJA zajedno s Nehemijem doveo prve skupine Judejaca iz babilonskog sužanjstva natrag u Jeruzalem; prikupio, redigirao, prepisivao, potakao prepisivanje i kanonizirao većinu starozavjetnih knjiga (»Ezra pisar«);… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Ezra — • Or Ezra. Article on the man and the books which bear his name Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Ezra — m Biblical: name (meaning ‘help’ in Hebrew) of a prophet, author of the book of the Bible that bears his name. It was taken up by the Puritans in the 17th century, and has remained in occasional use ever since, especially in America, where it was …   First names dictionary

  • Ezra — Ezra, Abraham ben Mehir ibn Ezra, Moisés ben …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Ezra — masc. proper name, in O.T. name of a celebrated 5c. B.C.E. scribe, from Late Latin, from Heb. Ezra, contraction of Azaryah(u), lit. God has helped, from ezer help + Yah, a shortened form of Yahweh God …   Etymology dictionary

  • Ezra — [ez′rə] n. [LL(Ec) < Heb ezra, lit., help] 1. a masculine name 2. Bible a) a Hebrew scribe, prophet, and religious reformer of the 5th cent. B.C. b) the book telling of his life and teachings: abbrev. Ez: or Ezr …   English World dictionary

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