Fay ist der Name von


mehreren Gemeinden in Frankreich:

  • Fay (Orne), Gemeinde im Département Orne
  • Fay (Sarthe), Gemeinde im Département Sarthe
  • Fay (Somme), Gemeinde im Département Somme

mit Namenszusatz:

  • Fay-aux-Loges, Gemeinde im Département Loiret
  • Fay-de-Bretagne, Gemeinde im Département Loire-Atlantique
  • Fay-en-Montagne, Gemeinde im Département Jura
  • Fay-le-Clos, Gemeinde im Département Drôme
  • Fay-les-Étangs, Gemeinde im Département Oise
  • Fay-lès-Marcilly, Gemeinde im Département Aube
  • Faÿ-lès-Nemours, Gemeinde im Département Seine-et-Marne

in den Vereinigten Staaten:

  • Fay (Ohio)
  • Fay Township (North Dakota)

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Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach:

  • Fay — ist der Name von Personen: Bernard Faÿ (1893–1978), französischer Historiker frankoamerikanischer Herkunft, Gegner der Freimaurerei und Kollaborateur Caroline Fay (1839–?), deutsche Schriftstellerin Dorothy Fay (1915–2003), US amerikanische… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • fay — fay, fey Fay is a literary word for fairy. Used attributively (before a noun), it has the meaning ‘fairy like’: • When she made formal use of figures in her landscapes, they were somewhat mannered, almost fay children Listener, 1962. Fey is an… …   Modern English usage

  • Fay — /fay/, n. a female given name, form of Faith. Also, Faye. * * * (as used in expressions) Lucille Fay LeSueur Du Fay Morgan le Fay * * * …   Universalium

  • Fay Na — oder Fay Nah (Prinz [Chao Mueang] Nakhon Champasak [Negara Champasakra]; voller Thronname Brhat Vijaya Raja Khatiya Varman, Vichaiyarat Khattiyawongse; * Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts; † 1811) war von 1791 bis 1807/11 Herrscher mit den Vollmachten… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Fay — Fay, n. [OF. fei, F. foi. See {Faith}.] Faith; as, by my fay. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Fay — f English: late 19th century coinage, from the archaic word fay fairy. It was to some extent influenced by the revival of interest in Arthurian legend, in which Morgan le Fay is King Arthur s half sister, a mysterious sorceress who both attempts… …   First names dictionary

  • Fay — fem. proper name, in some cases from M.E. fei, O.Fr. fei faith, or else from FAY (Cf. fay) fairy …   Etymology dictionary

  • Fay — Fay, v. i. (Shipbuilding) To lie close together; to fit; to fadge; often with in, into, with, or together. [1913 Webster] {Faying surface}, that surface of an object which comes with another object to which it is fastened; said of plates, angle… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Fay — Fay, n. [F. f[ e]e. See {Fate}, and cf. {Fairy}.] A fairy; an elf. Yellow skirted fays. Milton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Fay — (f[=a]), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {fayed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Faying}.] [OE. feien, v.t. & i., AS. f[=e]gan to join, unite; akin to OS. f[=o]gian, D. voegen, OHG. fuogen, G. f[ u]gen, Sw. foga. See {Fair}, and cf. {Fadge}.] (Shipbuilding) To fit; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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