Static-X — Static X … Википедия
Static Blue — Static Blue, né Jonathan Blakoe le 26 avril 1987 à Warstein en Allemagne est un DJ et producteur français de musique trance et chillout. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Discographie 2.1 2009 2.2 2008 … Wikipédia en Français
Static-X — Datos generales Origen Estados Unidos … Wikipedia Español
Static X — Файл:Static X wordmark.jpg Static X Годы С 1994 года по настоящее время … Википедия
Static — has several meanings:* Static electricity, a net charge of an object ** The triboelectric effect, e.g. from shoes rubbing carpet * White noise, a random signal with a flat power spectral density ** Noise (radio), a type of radio interference **… … Wikipedia
Static margin — is a concept used to characterize the static stability and controllability of aircraft and missiles.*In aircraft analysis, static margin is defined as the distance between the center of gravity and the neutral point of the aircraft. *In missile… … Wikipedia
Static mesh — Static meshes are polygon meshes which constitute a major part of map architecture in Unreal Engine 2 and 3. The word static refers only to the fact that static meshes they can t be vertex animated, as they can be moved, scaled, or reskinned in… … Wikipedia
Static-x — On aperçoit ( de gauche à droite ) Tony Campos, Wayne Static et au fond Koichi Fukuda Pays d’origine … Wikipédia en Français
Static-X — On aperçoit ( de gauche à droite ) Tony Campos, Wayne Static et au fond Koichi Fukuda Pays d’origine … Wikipédia en Français
Static Shock — Static Choc Static Choc Titre original Static Shock Genre Série d animation, fantastique Créateur(s) Dwayne McDuffie Pays d’origine États Unis Chaîne … Wikipédia en Français
Static Line — was an email based ASCII Ezine that focused on the PC demoscene. It was a monthly publication with strong roots in the music aspect of the demoscene. It ran for 52 issues starting in July 1998 and finishing in March 2004. Static Line was created… … Wikipedia