filmer — [ filme ] v. tr. <conjug. : 1> • 1908; de film 1 ♦ Enregistrer (des vues) sur un film cinématographique; par ext. sur un support magnétique. Filmer une scène en studio, en extérieur. ⇒ tourner. Filmer un enfant avec une caméra d amateur, un … Encyclopédie Universelle
Filmer — This unusual and interesting surname is a variant of the surname Phillmore, which is of English origin and is derived from the Norman personal name Filimor. The personal name is composed of the Germanic elements filu , very and meri, mari ,… … Surnames reference
Filmer à tout prix — est un festival de cinéma à Bruxelles. Sa sélection reflète la diversité des écritures documentaires. Ce festival international de films documentaires, le plus important en Belgique francophone, et l un des plus importants au niveau mondial pour… … Wikipédia en Français
Filmer, Sir Robert — ▪ English philosopher born c. 1588 died May 26, 1653, East Sutton, near Middlestone, Kent, Eng. English theorist who promoted an absolutist concept of kingship. Filmer was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, and at Lincoln s Inn.… … Universalium
Filmer, Robert — (1588–1653) Filmer is mainly remembered as the target of the Two Treatises of Government by Locke . He was a country gentleman of Kent, whose Patriarcha (1630) rests political obligation to the state on its divinely ordained authority, descend… … Philosophy dictionary
filmer — noun One who films; that is, one who copies media to microfilm … Wiktionary
Filmer — David L., U.S. biochemist, *1932. See Adair Koshland Némethy F. model, Koshland Némethy F. model … Medical dictionary
Filmer — Fịl|mer 〈m. 3〉 jmd., der (beruflich) Filme dreht * * * Fịl|mer, der; s, (ugs.): 1. Filmemacher. 2. Filmamateur. * * * Fịl|mer, der; s, : 1. Filmemacher: Die japanischen F. haben Erfahrung mit „Geschichten hinter Wänden“ (MM 20. 7. 68, 7). 2.… … Universal-Lexikon
filmer — film·er … English syllables
filmer — /ˈfɪlmə/ (say filmuh) noun a person who does film photography; cinematographer …