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  • Bruno de Finetti — Born 13 June 1906(1906 06 13) Innsbruck, Austria …   Wikipedia

  • Bruno de Finetti — (* 13. Juni 1906 in Innsbruck; † 20. Juli 1985 in Rom) war ein italienischer Mathematiker. Seine wichtigsten Resultate sind in der Statistik und Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie anzusiedeln. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werk …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • de Finetti's theorem — In probability theory, de Finetti s theorem explains why exchangeable observations are conditionally independent given some latent variable to which an epistemic probability distribution would then be assigned. It is named in honor of Bruno de… …   Wikipedia

  • De Finetti's theorem — In probability theory, de Finetti s theorem explains why exchangeable observations are conditionally independent given some (usually) unobservable quantity to which an epistemic probability distribution would then be assigned. It is named in… …   Wikipedia

  • De Finetti diagram — A de Finetti diagram. The curved line is the expected Hardy Weinberg frequency as a function of p. A de Finetti diagram is a ternary plot used in population genetics. It is named after the Italian statistician Bruno de Finetti (1906–1985) and is… …   Wikipedia

  • De Finetti — usually refers to the Italian probabilist and statistician Bruno de Finetti, noted for the operational subjective conception of probability. His works include: de Finetti s theorem, which explains why exchangeable observations are conditionally… …   Wikipedia

  • Giacomo Finetti — (* um 1605 in Ancona; † 1631) war ein italienischer Komponist des Frühbarock. Giacomo Finetti gehörte dem Franziskanerorden an und war in den Jahren 1605 und 1606 Chorleiter an der Kathedrale von Jesi und von 1609 bis 1612 an SS Sacramento in… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gino von Finetti — (* 9. Mai 1877 in Pisino d Istria; † 5. August 1955 in Gorizia, Italien) war ein Maler, Zeichner und Illustrator. Gino von Finetti gelang durch sein malerisches und grafisches Werk, aber auch durch seine Reklamekunst zu hohem Bekanntheitsgrad.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • de Finetti, Bruno — (1906–1985) Italian mathematician and philosopher. Born in Innsbruck, and educated at Milan, de Finetti worked on many different branches of mathematics, in Milan, in Rome, and from 1931 in the Assicurazioni Generali di Trieste, as an actuary and …   Philosophy dictionary

  • de Finetti — de Finetti, Bruno …   Philosophy dictionary

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