

Finkel ist der Familienname folgender Personen:

  • Abem Finkel (18891948), US-amerikanischer Drehbuchautor
  • Christoph Finkel (* 1971), deutscher Holzbildhauer, Trainer des deutschen Nationalteams im Klettern und Bouldern
  • Fyvush Finkel (* 1923), US-amerikanischer Schauspieler
  • Sigi Finkel (* 1960), deutscher Jazzmusiker
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  • Finkel — is a surname, and may refer to:* Benjamin Finkel * Binyomin Beinush Finkel * Caroline Finkel * Fyvush Finkel * George Finkel * Howard Finkel * Johannes Finkel * Jon Finkel * Maurice Finkel (disambiguation) * Meir Finkel * Moishe Finkel (Morris… …   Wikipedia

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  • Finkel (homonymie) — Finkel est un patronyme, pouvant faire référence à : Benjamin Finkel Binyomin Beinush Finkel Caroline Finkel Fyvush Finkel George Finkel Johannes Finkel Jon Finkel Maurice Finkel (page d homonymie) Meir Finkel Moishe Finkel (Morris Finkel)… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • FINKEL, NATHAN ẒEVI BEN MOSES — (1849–1927), roshyeshivah and one of the leaders of the musar movement . Born in Raseiniai, Lithuania, Finkel was orphaned at an early age and brought up in his uncle s home in Vilna. At the age of 15 he was already acknowledged as a rabbinic… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • FINKEL, ELIEZER JUDAH — (1879–1965), Lithuanian rosh yeshivah. Finkel received his early education from his father nathan zevi finkel , known as the Sabba ( grand old man ) of Slobodka. He continued his studies at some of the famous Lithuanian yeshivot, including… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • FINKEL, JOSHUA — (1904–1983), U.S. Orientalist and scholar. Finkel was born in Warsaw, Poland, and was taken to the United States in 1913. He was ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary. He studied the relationship of Islam to Judaism. Part of his research… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • FINKEL, SHIMON — (1905–1999), actor. Finkel was born in Grodno, Belorussia. He appeared on the local stage as a boy and later joined a Yiddish theatrical group. In 1922 he proceeded to Berlin, where he was accepted in the Max Reinhardt School of Dramatic Art. In… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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