GLOBE Program — The GLOBE Program or Programme is a worldwide, hands on, primary and secondary school based education and science program. It seeks to teach young students experimental skills using real experiments and equipment and collaboration with students… … Wikipedia
Globe (disambiguation) — A globe is any spherical or roughly spherical object. In particular, it frequently refers to a spherical model of the Earth or other astronomical body, or of the celestial sphere; for this meaning see globe.Globe may also refer to:;Places: *Globe … Wikipedia
Globe aware — Globe Aware, established in 2001, is an international, nonreligious, nongovernmental, nonpolitical nonprofit organization headquartered in Dallas, Texas. Globe Aware’s mission is to promote cultural awareness and sustainability by implementing… … Wikipedia
Globe — hat verschiedene Bedeutungen: ein Ort in Arizona Globe (Arizona) Globe (TZI) ist ein Grundbegriff aus der Themenzentrierte Interaktion (TZI) die Kurzbezeichnung für das Globe Theatre (Shakespeare Theater) in London Globe (Band) ist eine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Globe Theatre, Regina — Infobox Company company name = Globe Theatre Society company company type = Non Profit company slogan = Live is Better! foundation = 1966| location = Regina, Saskatchewan key people = Ken Sue Kramer (Founders), Ruth Smillie (CEO, Artistic… … Wikipedia
GLOBE-Studie — Humanorientierung ist definiert als das Ausmaß, in dem eine Gesellschaft die Individuen in ihrem Verhalten hinsichtlich Fairness, Altruismus, Freundlichkeit, Großzügigkeit, Fürsorge und Gutherzigkeit gegenüber anderen bestärkt und belohnt.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
The GLOBE Project — is a program established for the collection of scientific and atmospheric information from worldwide locations and made accessible though The GLOBE Program website.GLOBE is managed by The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) and … Wikipedia
Gateway to Higher Education (program) — The Gateway Institute for Pre College Education , begun as the Gateway to Higher Education program was started in New York City in 1986. Its initial goal was to prepare high school students from demographics underrepresented in science, medicine … Wikipedia
Nuclear program of Iran — See also: Iran and weapons of mass destruction Nuclear program of Iran … Wikipedia
Court Challenges Program of Canada — The Court Challenges Program of Canada (CCP) is a non profit organization whose stated purpose is to provide financial assistance for important court cases that advance language and equality rights guaranteed under Canada s Constitution . Its… … Wikipedia