

Greed (englisch für Gier) ist:

Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe.

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  • Greed — グリード (Gurīdo) Sexo Masculino Primera aparición Capítulo 25 (manga) Episodio 22 (Full Metal Alchemist) Episodio 13 (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood) Fullmetal Alchemist (manga) …   Wikipedia Español

  • greed´i|ly — greed|y «GREE dee», adjective, greed|i|er, greed|i|est. 1. wanting to get more than one s share; eager for gain or wealth. SYNONYM(S): avaricious, covetous, rapacious. 2 …   Useful english dictionary

  • greed|y — «GREE dee», adjective, greed|i|er, greed|i|est. 1. wanting to get more than one s share; eager for gain or wealth. SYNONYM(S): avaricious, covetous, rapacious. 2 …   Useful english dictionary

  • greed — [ grid ] noun uncount 1. ) a strong wish to have more money, things, or power than you need: a growing culture of corporate greed (=the greed of large companies) their greed for power 2. ) a strong wish to have more food than you need …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Greed — (gr[=e]d ), n. [Akin to Goth. gr[=e]dus hunger, Icel. gr[=a][eth]r. [root]34. See {Greedy.}] An eager desire or longing; greediness; as, a greed of gain. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Greed — «Greed» Сингл Godsmack Выпущен 2001 Записан 2000 Жанр грув метал Длительность 3:29 Лейбл Universal / Republic Records …   Википедия

  • greed — [gri:d] n [U] [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: greedy] a strong desire for more food, money, power, possessions etc than you need ▪ people motivated by jealousy and greed …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • greed — noun acquisitiveness, appetency, avarice, avariciousness, avaritia, aviditas, avidity, covetousness, crapulence, cupiditas, cupidity, desire to hoard wealth, eagerness, edacity, excess, gluttonous appettite, gluttony, greediness, guiosity,… …   Law dictionary

  • greed — c.1600, a back formation from GREEDY (Cf. greedy) …   Etymology dictionary

  • greed — *cupidity, rapacity, avarice Analogous words: greediness, covetousness, avariciousness, acquisitiveness (see corresponding adjectives at COVETOUS): voraciousness, ravenousness, rapaciousness, gluttonousness or gluttony (see corresponding… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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