

Guicciardini ist der Name einer berühmten Familie aus Florenz in der Zeit der Renaissance:

  • Francesco Guicciardini (1483–1540), italienischer Politiker und Historiker
  • Lodovico Guicciardini (1521–1579), italienischer Humanist, Geograph, Kartograph, Politiker und Schriftsteller, Neffe Francesco Guicciardinis.
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  • Guicciardini, Francesco — • Biographical article by Edmund G. Gardner on the historian and statesman, who died in 1540 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Guicciardini, Francesco — ▪ Italian historian and statesman born March 6, 1483, Florence died May 22, 1540, Santa Margherita a Montici, near Florence       Florentine statesman, diplomat, and historian, author of the most important contemporary history of Italy, Storia d… …   Universalium

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