Hail of Bullets — Град Пуль … Википедия
hail — hail1 [hāl] vt. [ME hailen, to salute, greet < hail, heil < ON heill, whole, sound, akin to OE hal (see HALE1, WHOLE): used as a salutation] 1. to welcome, greet, etc. with or as with cheers; acclaim 2. to name by way of tribute; salute as… … English World dictionary
hail — hail1 [heıl] n [: Old English; Origin: hagal, hAgl] 1.) [U] frozen rain drops which fall as hard balls of ice ▪ heavy showers of rain and hail 2.) a hail of bullets/stones etc a large number of bullets, stones etc that are thrown or fired at… … Dictionary of contemporary English
hail — 1 noun 1 (U) frozen rain drops which fall as hard balls of ice 2 a hail of bullets/stones a large number of bullets, stones etc thrown or fired at someone 3 a hail of criticism/abuse a lot of criticism etc 2 verb (T) to call to someone in order… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
hail — hail1 hailer, n. /hayl/, v.t. 1. to cheer, salute, or greet; welcome. 2. to acclaim; approve enthusiastically: The crowds hailed the conquerors. They hailed the recent advances in medicine. 3. to call out to in order to stop, attract attention,… … Universalium
hail — [[t]he͟ɪl[/t]] hails, hailing, hailed 1) VERB: usu passive If a person, event, or achievement is hailed as important or successful, they are praised publicly. [be V ed as n] Faulkner has been hailed as the greatest American novelist of his… … English dictionary
hail — 01. I was woken up in the night by the sound of [hail] hitting the bedroom window. 02. [Hail] destroys hundreds of millions of dollars worth of crops and property each year. 03. [Hail] is not seasonal, so it can occur at any time of year. 04.… … Grammatical examples in English
hail — I. /heɪl / (say hayl) verb (t) 1. to salute or greet; welcome. 2. to salute or name as: to hail (someone as) victor. 3. to acclaim; to approve with enthusiasm. 4. to attract the attention of, by calling out, waving the hand, etc.: to hail a… …
hail — I [[t]heɪl[/t]] v. t. 1) to cheer, salute, or greet; welcome 2) to acclaim; approve enthusiastically 3) to call out to, as in order to stop or to attract the attention of: to hail a cab[/ex] 4) phv hail from, to have as one s place of birth or… … From formal English to slang
hail — [heɪl] verb I 1) [T] formal to shout to someone as a way of attracting their attention I stepped out into the street and hailed a taxi.[/ex] 2) if it hails, small balls of ice fall from the sky • be hailed as sth to be publicly praised for being… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English