

Hogmanay ist einer der bedeutendsten schottischen Festtage und wird am Abend des 31. Dezember bis in die frühen Morgenstunden des 1. Januar gefeiert.

Traditionell wird Black Bun (eine Art Früchtebrot) serviert. Eine weitere Tradition ist das First Footing, bei dem man mit einem Glas Whisky, einem Stück Kohle, einem Black Bun, Shortbread und Salz über die Schwelle von Nachbarn und Freunden tritt.


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  • Hogmanay — (pronounced IPA| [ˌhɔgməˈneː] mdash; with the main stress on the last syllable) is the Scots word for the last day of the year and is synonymous with the celebration of the New Year (Gregorian calendar) in the Scottish manner. Its official date… …   Wikipedia

  • Hogmanay — Hog ma*nay , n. The old name, in Scotland, for the last day of the year, on which children go about singing, and receive a dole of bread or cakes; also, the entertainment given on that day to a visitor, or the gift given to an applicant. [Scot.]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hogmanay — (Scottish) hog·ma·nay || hÉ‘gmÉ™neɪ / hÉ’g n. New Year s Eve; gift given on New Year s Eve …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Hogmanay — ► NOUN ▪ (in Scotland) New Year s Eve. ORIGIN perhaps from Old French aguillanneuf last day of the year, new year s gift …   English terms dictionary

  • hogmanay — [häg′mə nā′] n. [Anglo Norm hoguinané, corrupted < OFr aguillanneuf, last day of the year < aguille, needle, point (< LL acula, dim. of L acus: see ACEROSE1) + neuf, new (< L novus, NEW)] Scot. New Year s Eve, when young people go… …   English World dictionary

  • Hogmanay — Fête du Hogmanay à Princes Street Gardens, Édimbourg. Hogmanay (prononciation API: [ˌhɔgmə ne:], avec la dernière syllabe accentuée, et A Challuinn en gaélique écossais[1]) est le mot écossais désignant le dernier jour de l année et il est …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Hogmanay — UK [ˈhɒɡməneɪ] / US [ˈhɑɡməˌneɪ] / US [ˌhɑɡməˈneɪ] noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms Hogmanay : singular Hogmanay plural Hogmanays in Scotland, the evening of 31st December and the celebrations that happen at that time …   English dictionary

  • Hogmanay — noun Etymology: origin unknown Date: circa 1680 1. Scottish the eve of New Year s Day 2. Scottish a gift solicited or given at Hogmanay …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Hogmanay — /hog meuh nay /, n. Scot. 1. the eve of New Year s Day. 2. (l.c.) a gift given on Hogmanay. [1670 80; orig. uncert.] * * * …   Universalium

  • hogmanay — [17] Hogmanay is the Scottish term for ‘New Year’s Eve’, and so might reasonably be supposed to be of Gaelic origin, but in fact it is not. It appears to come from hoguinané, the Norman dialect version of Old French aguillanneuf, a greeting given …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

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