Ionophore — [zu griechisch phoreĩn »(in sich) tragen«], Singular Ionophor das, s, Stoffe, mit deren Hilfe Ionen durch Zellmembranen transportiert werden. Sie gehören unterschiedlichen Substanzgruppen (z. B. den Peptiden) an. Hinsichtlich des… … Universal-Lexikon
ionophore — i*on o*phore n. [ion + phore] (Biochemistry) A compound that enhances transport of ions across cellular membranes, by binding them and carrying them across. As a class ionophores tend to be lipophilic in nature; each compound is usually specific… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ionophore — ● ionophore nom masculin Molécule ou groupement de molécules présents dans les membranes des cellules nerveuses et musculaires qui régissent les transferts ioniques au travers des membranes … Encyclopédie Universelle
ionophore — [ī än′ə fôr΄] n. any of a group of compounds that transport, across a plasma membrane, ions which are not able to cross by themselves; esp., any of certain antibiotics, as valinomycin … English World dictionary
Ionophore — An ionophore is a lipid soluble molecule usually synthesized by microorganisms to transport ions across the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane. There are two broad classifications of ionophores. # Small molecules (mobile ion carriers) that bind… … Wikipedia
Ionophore — Un soluté ionophore (phore = qui porte) est un soluté qui porte des ions. C est le cas des composés solides ioniques tels que chlorure de sodium ou CaF2. Opposé à Ionogène. Dans la cellule, on distingue deux types d ionophores qui permettent le… … Wikipédia en Français
ionophore — jonoforas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Medžiaga, padidinanti biomembranos pralaidumą jonams. atitikmenys: angl. ionophore rus. ионофор … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
ionophore — noun Date: circa 1955 a compound that facilitates transmission of an ion (as of calcium) across a lipid barrier (as in a cell membrane) by combining with the ion or by increasing the permeability of the barrier to it … New Collegiate Dictionary
ionophore — A molecule that allows ions to cross lipid bilayers. There are two classes: carriers and channels. Carriers, like valinomycin, form cage like structures around specific ions, diffusing freely through the hydrophobic regions of the bilayer.… … Dictionary of molecular biology
ionophore — /uy on euh fawr , fohr /, n. Biochem. a lipid soluble substance capable of transporting specific ions through cellular membranes. [1950 55; IONO + PHORE] * * * … Universalium