- James Kingston Tuckey
James Hingston Tuckey (* 1776 in Greenhill bei Mallow, County Cork, Irland; † 4. Oktober 1816 in Afrika) war ein britischer Marineoffizier und Forschungsreisender.
Tuckey versuchte 1816, mit einem Dampfschiff den Kongo bis zur Quelle hinaufzufahren. Die Expedition, bei der Tuckey und etwa die Hälfte seiner Mannschaft den Tod fanden, scheiterte zwar, weckte aber das Interesse an der Entdeckung Afrikas.
- An Account of the Voyage to Establish a Colony at Port Philip in Bass's Strait, on the East Coast of New South Wales, in His Majesty's ship Calcutta, in the years 1802-3-4. 8vo. – London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1805 online
- Maritime Geography and Statistics or Description of the Ocean and its Coasts, Maritime Commerce, Navigation. – London: Black, Parry and Co, 1815
- Narrative of an Expedition to Explore the River Zaire, Usually called the Congo, in South Africa, in 1816, under the Direction of Captain J.K. Tuckey, R.N. To which is added, the journal of Professor Smith; some general observations on the country and its habitants; and an appendix: containing the natural history of that part of the Kingdom of Congo through which the Zaire flows. 4vo. – London: Murray, 1818 (reprint Cass, 1967) online
- Memoir of a chart of Port Philip [i.e. Phillip]: Surveyed in October 1803. – Colony Press, 1987 – ISBN 094958603X
- Ryan, Richard: Biographia Hibernica: a Biographical Dictionary of the Worthies of Ireland, from the Earliest Periods to the Present Time. - London [et al.]: Ryan [et al.], 1819-1821
Personendaten NAME Tuckey, James Hingston KURZBESCHREIBUNG britischer Marineoffizier und Forschungsreisender GEBURTSDATUM 1776 GEBURTSORT Greenhill bei Mallow, County Cork, Irland STERBEDATUM 4. Oktober 1816 STERBEORT Afrika
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