Kaveh — Kāveh the Blacksmith, (Persian: کاوه آهنگر (Kaveh Ahangar) is a mythical figure in Iranian mythology who leads a popular uprising against a ruthless foreign ruler, Zahhāk. His story is narrated in the Epic of Shāhnāma, the national epic of Iran… … Wikipedia
Kaveh — le forgeron (کاوه آهنگر en Persan, Kawa en Kurde) est un personnage mythique de l ancien Empire Mède et Perse qui mena une révolte populaire des Iraniens contre un horrible roi, Zahhak (Dhaka). Son histoire est racontée dans le poème épique du… … Wikipédia en Français
Kaveh — Kāveh el Herrero (persa: کاوه آهنگر, [1], otra ortografía: Kawe) (kurdo: کاوهی ئاسنگهر) es una figura mítica de la antigua Media, que dirige un levantamiento popular contra un despiadado gobernante extranjero, Zahhāk. Su historia se narra en la… … Wikipedia Español
Kaveh (Zeitschrift) — Kaveh Beschreibung politische Zeitschrift Sprache … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kaveh Golestan — Kāveh Golestān (1950 April 2 , 2003), (PerB| کاوه گلستان ) was an Iranian photojournalist. He is the son of the Iranian filmmaker and writer Ebrahim Golestan and the brother of Lili Golestān, [Masoud Soheili, Photographer, Portrait People: Lili… … Wikipedia
Kaveh Yaghmaei — (PerB| کاوه یغمایی , born 1968 ) is an Iranian rock musician. He is the eldest son on Iranian legendary singer and musician Kourosh Yaghmaei .Early careerHe started learning music at age 8 when he attended Tehran Advanced School of Music and also … Wikipedia
Kaveh Ahangar — Kaveh Ahangar, auch Kaveh der Schmied, (auch Kaweh oder Kawa; persisch كاوه آهنگر) ist eine Gestalt aus der iranischen Mythologie. Er symbolisiert den Kampf gegen die Tyrannei und gegen Unterdrückung durch fremde Invasoren. Kaveh soll der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kaveh Farrokh — (born September 24, 1962, Athens) is an expert in the field of Iranian history and linguistics. [ [http://www.rferl.org/featuresarticle/2005/01/e840ee45 68ca 4718 bf39 c2f01168d738.html World: Oliver Stone s Alexander Stirs Up Controversy by… … Wikipedia
Kaveh le forgeron — Kaveh Kaveh le forgeron (کاوه آهنگر en Persan, Kawa en Kurde) est un personnage mythique de l ancien Empire Mède et Perse qui mena une révolte populaire des Iraniens contre un horrible roi, Zahhak (Dhaka). Son histoire est racontée dans le poème… … Wikipédia en Français
Kaveh L Afrasiabi — Kaveh L Afrasiabi, PhD. in political science, has also studied theology and is director and founder of the non governmental organization Global Interfaith Peace, and has taught political science at Tehran University, Boston University, and… … Wikipedia