Kornfeld — is a German surname meaning cornfield and that may refer to:* Artie Kornfeld (born 1942), American musician, record producer and music executive * Herbert Kornfeld * Jack Kornfield (born 1945), Buddhist monk * Joseph Saul Kornfeld, a U.S.… … Wikipedia
Kornfeld — Kọrn|feld 〈n. 12〉 Getreidefeld * * * Kọrn|feld, das: Getreidefeld, bes. Roggenfeld. * * * Kọrnfeld, Paul, Schriftsteller, * Prag 11. 12. 1889, ✝ im Ghetto von Łódź 25. 4. 1942. Kornfeld gehörte zum Prager Kreis um M. Brod, F. Werfel, F.… … Universal-Lexikon
KORNFELD, AARON BEN MORDECAI BAER — (1795–1881), last rosh yeshivah of Bohemia. Kornfeld s father, Mordecai Baer, turned an old distillery in golcuv jenikov into a modern factory, and his uncle Salman supplied potash to glass factories and founded a tannery. The wealth they thus… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
KORNFELD, PAUL — (1889–1942), German playwright and novelist. Born and raised in Prague in the circle of the young franz werfel , Ernst Deutsch, willy haas , franz kafka and max brod , Kornfeld moved to Frankfurt in 1914 working as a drama adviser while… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Kornfeld (Landwirtschaft) — Kornfeld bei Nettgendorf Abgemähtes Kornfeld auf dem Mount Vully, Fribourg Ein Kornfeld ist eine landwirtschaftliche Nutzfläche zum Getreideanbau. Die typische Darstellungsform ein … Deutsch Wikipedia
KORNFELD, JOSEPH SAUL — (1876–1943), U.S. rabbi and diplomat. Born in Austria Hungary, Kornfeld went to the United States as a child and received his rabbinical ordination at Hebrew Union College in 1899. After serving congregations in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, and Montreal … Encyclopedia of Judaism
KORNFELD, ZSIGMOND — (1852–1909), banker and politician; born in Golcuv Jenikov, Bohemia. He joined the Hungarian General Credit Bank in Budapest, becoming its general director in 1900. As such, he had a considerable influence on Hungarian financial policy and the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Kornfeld (Begriffsklärung) — Der Begriff Kornfeld bezeichnet eine landwirtschaftlich genutzte Fläche, siehe Kornfeld Kornfeld ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Eberhard W. Kornfeld (* 1923), Schweizer Autor und Kunsthändler Gertrud Kornfeld (1891–1955), österreichisch … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kornfeld, Paul — (1889 c.1943) Playwright. Kornfeld was an influential Expressionist playwright, with two plays in that vein to his credit: Die Verführung (The Seduction, 1917) and Himmel und Hölle (Heaven and Hell, 1919). He later wrote comedies, which were… … Historical dictionary of German Theatre
Kornfeld, Joseph Saul — (1876–1943) US rabbi and diplomat. A Reform rabbi, Kornfeld supported Warren Harding for president in the 1920 elections, and the following year he was appointed United States minister plenipotentiary to Teheran. As such he was able to… … Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament