Krishnamurti — (also spelled Krishnamurthy, Krishnamoorthi, Krishnamoorthy, Krishnamurthi, or Krishnamurti) is a South Indian name. It refers to the idol form of Krishna ( murthy meaning idol in Sanskrit).The following individuals have this name:*Suchitra… … Wikipedia
KRISHNAMURTI — KRISHNAMURTI JIDDU dit (1895 1986) Maître spirituel indien qui fut mis en vedette, dans sa jeunesse, par la Société théosophique, Krishnamurti Jiddu était né dans une famille de brahmanes. Il y fut remarqué par un membre influent de ce mouvement … Encyclopédie Universelle
Krishnamurti — Jiddu Krishnamurti Jiddu Krishnamurti Krishnamurti dans les années 1920 Naissance 11 mai 1895 Mandanapalle, Inde … Wikipédia en Français
Krishnamurti, U. G. — (1918– ) unorthodox teacher of philosophy of “no self ” U. G. Krishnamurti is an original teacher in the Hindu tradition, who believes that conscious thought is the enemy of true knowledge. Born into a BRAHMIN family on July 9, 1918, in… … Encyclopedia of Hinduism
Krishnamurti — Krishnamụrti [ ʃ ], Jiddu, indischer Brahmane, Philosoph, * Madanapalle (Andhra Pradesh) 22. 5. 1897 (1895?), ✝ Ojai (Calif.) 17. 2. 1986. Die Theosophin Annie Besant, die ihn als neuen Weltenlehrer verkündete, gründete 1910 für ihn den »Orden … Universal-Lexikon
Krishnamurti's Notebook — is a diary by Jiddu Krishnamurti.He began this record on June 1961 in Los Angeles, and continued it for seven months.The diary describes Krishnamurti s world from the inside mdash;in particular his experience of the manifestations of a state… … Wikipedia
Krishnamurti's Journal — is a book by Jiddu Krishnamurti. Mary Lutyens encouraged Krishnamurti to write this journal. It was written in Brockwood Park (Hampshire), Rome and California. According to Mary Lutyens, the book reveals more about him personally than any of his… … Wikipedia
Krishnamurti, Jiddu — (1895–1986) spiritual teacher of radical self observation Chosen while still a child as the new messiah, or World Teacher, by the THEOSOPHICAL SOCI ETY, the Indian J. Krishnamurti acquired world fame as he traveled and lectured on the… … Encyclopedia of Hinduism
KRISHNAMURTI, Jiddu — (1895 1986) Indian MYSTIC who, from the age of 12, was reared and educated by C. W. LEADBEATER, Annie BESANT, and other THEOSOPHISTS at Adyar, outside Madras to prepare him to become the next World Teacher. A fever of excitement built up in… … Concise dictionary of Religion
Krishnamurti, Jiddu — born 1895 died 1986 Indian spiritual leader. He was educated in theosophy by Annie Besant, who proclaimed him the coming World Teacher, a messiah like figure who would bring about world enlightenment. He became a teacher and writer, and from the… … Universalium