

Kumin bezeichnet:

Kumin ist der Familienname folgender Personen:

  • Maxine Kumin (* 1925), US-amerikanische Schriftstellerin
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  • kumin- — *kumin germ.?, Substantiv: nhd. Kümmel; ne. cumin; Rekontruktionsbasis: ae., as., ahd.; Interferenz: Lehnwort lat. cumīnum; Etymologie: s. lat …   Germanisches Wörterbuch

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  • kumin — kùmīn m <G kumína> DEFINICIJA bot. začinska i ljekovita biljka (Carum carvi) iz porodice štitarki (Umbelliferae); kim, čemin ETIMOLOGIJA lat. cuminum …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • KUMIN — RUSSIA (see also List of Individuals) 27.9.1908 Ketovo/RU 5.3.1959 Leningrad/RU Dmitri Ivanovich Kumin originated from the Nijegorodskaya region along Volga River. He graduated as a civil engineer from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute in 1930… …   Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000

  • Kumin, Maxine — orig. Maxine Winokur born June 6, 1925, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S. U.S. poet. She studied at Radcliffe College. Her poetry, written primarily in traditional forms, deals with loss, fragility, family, and the cycles of life and nature. Her New… …   Universalium

  • Kumin, Maxine — (b. 1925)    American poet and writer. She was born in Philadelphia. She taught at Tufts, Columbia and Princeton universities. Some of her poetry deals with her Jewish identity …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Kumin, Maxine — orig. Maxine Winokur (n. 6 jun. 1925, Filadelfia, Pa., EE.UU.). Poetisa estadounidense. Estudió en el Radcliffe College. Su poesía, inicialmente de corte tradicional, aborda temas como la pérdida, la fragilidad, la familia y los ciclos vitales y… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Maxine Kumin — Born Maxine Winokur June 6, 1925 (1925 06 06) (age 86) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Occupation Poet …   Wikipedia

  • Maxine Kumin — nació en 1925 en Filadelfia, Pennsylvania. Es una poeta estadounidense que, entre otros premios, recibió el Premio Pulitzer de Poesía. Contenido 1 Biografía 2 Carrera literaria 3 Curiosidades …   Wikipedia Español

  • Maxine Kumin — Maxine Kumin, née Maxine Winokur le 6 juin 1925, est une écrivaine et poétesse américaine. Biographie Fille de parents juifs, Maxine Kumin est née et a grandi à Philadelphie. Elle effectue sa scolarité dans des écoles catholiques. Elle obtient… …   Wikipédia en Français

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