LAZARSFELD (P.) — LAZARSFELD PAUL (1901 1976) Né à Vienne, Paul Lazarsfeld est, comme Robert Merton, l’un des quatre ou cinq sociologues de sa génération qui auront le plus fortement marqué l’histoire de leur discipline. Sa trajectoire n’est pas celle d’une… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Lazarsfeld — [englisch leɪzəfeld ], Paul Felix, amerikanischer Soziologe österreichischer Herkunft, * Wien 13. 2. 1901, ✝ New York 31. 8. 1976; war in Wien auf dem Gebiet der Jugendsoziologie tätig; ging 1933 als Stipendiat der Rockefeller Foundation in die … Universal-Lexikon
Lazarsfeld — Lazarsfeld, Paul … Enciclopedia Universal
Lazarsfeld — Lazarsfeld, Paul F … Dictionary of sociology
LAZARSFELD, PAUL F. — LAZARSFELD, PAUL F. (1901–1976), U.S. sociologist. Born in Vienna in 1901, Lazarsfeld studied mathematics and psychology at the University of Vienna and came to the United States in 1933 on a Rockefeller fellowship. He became a director of the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Lazarsfeld, Paul Felix — ▪ American sociologist born Feb. 13, 1901, Vienna, Austria died Aug. 30, 1976, New York, N.Y., U.S. Austrian born American sociologist whose studies of the mass media s influence on society became classics in his field. Lazarsfeld was … Universalium
Lazarsfeld, Paul F. — (1901 76) An Austrian born sociologist who founded the Bureau of Applied Social Research at Columbia University. He was a leading authority on American popular culture , voting behaviour , and the influence of the mass media upon society. Among… … Dictionary of sociology
ЛÁЗАРСФЕЛЬД (Lazarsfeld) Пауль Феликс — (Lazarsfeld) Пауль Феликс (1901–76), амер. социолог. Род. в Вене. Ученик К. Бюлера. С 1933 в США. Работы по методологии и применению матем. моделей в социологии: Язык социального исследования (совм. с М. Розенбергом, 1955), Латентно… … Биографический словарь
Lazarsfeld, Paul — ► (1901 76) Sociólogo austríaco. Sus trabajos sobre metodología han proporcionado a las ciencias sociales valiosos instrumentos. Autor de Filosofía de las ciencias sociales (1970) … Enciclopedia Universal
Paul Lazarsfeld — Infobox Person name = Paul Lazarsfeld caption = birth date = 1901 birth place = Vienna, Austria death date = 1976 death place = Newark other names = known for = Major Figure in 20th Century Sociology occupation =Paul Felix Lazarsfeld (1901–1976)… … Wikipedia