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  • Lederman — is a surname and may refer to:* D. Ross Lederman American B film director * Harold Lederman, celebrated boxing judge and analyst * Jean Marc Lederman, Belgian music composer * Leon M. Lederman, Nobel laureate in physics * Marty Lederman, Visiting …   Wikipedia

  • Lederman —   [ ledəmən], Leon Max, amerikanischer Physiker, * New York 15. 7. 1922; u. a. als Professor an der Columbia University in New York (1954 89) und an der Chicago University (1989 92) tätig, 1979 89 Direktor des Fermi National Accelerator… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Lederman — Lederman, Leon …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Lederman —  Cette page d’homonymie répertorie des personnes (réelles ou fictives) partageant un même patronyme. Pour consulter un article plus général, voir : Nom de famille germanique. Lederman (ou Ledermann, Leyderman, Leiderman) est un nom de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • LEDERMAN, LEON MAX — (1922– ), U.S. Nobel laureate in physics. Lederman was born in New York City, where he earned his B.S. at the College of the City of New York (1943), and his M.A. (1948) and Ph.D. (1951) in physics from Columbia University, an education… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Lederman, Leon Max — Lederman , Leon Max …   Scientists

  • Lederman , Leon Max — (1922–) American physicist The son of Russian immigrants, Lederman was born in New York and educated at City College there. After three years with the US Signal Corps during the war, he went to Columbia where he gained his PhD in 1951. He was… …   Scientists

  • Lederman, Leon Max — ▪ American physicist born July 15, 1922, New York, N.Y., U.S.       American physicist who, along with Melvin Schwartz (Schwartz, Melvin) and Jack Steinberger (Steinberger, Jack), received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1988 for their joint… …   Universalium

  • Lederman — biographical name Leon Max 1922 American physicist …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • ЛÉДЕРМАН (Lederman) Леон Макс — (Lederman) Леон Макс (р. 1922), амер. физик. Тр. по физике элементарных частиц. Открыл (совм. с др.) нейтральный каон, антидейтрон, ипсилон частицу, мюоний, иссл. рождение лептонных пар в адронных столкновениях. Открыл два типа нейтрино (Ноб. пр …   Биографический словарь

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