Leishman — is a surname, and may refer to:* Alan Leishman * Jim Leishman * Larry Leishman * Melanie Leishman * Tommy Leishman * William Boog Leishman … Wikipedia
Leishman — [ liːʃmən], Sir William Boog, britischer Tropenarzt, * Glasgow 6. 11. 1865, ✝ ebenda 2. 6. 1926; entdeckte 1900 in Indien den Erreger der Kala Azar, der nach ihm und C. Donovan Leishmania donovani genannt wurde (Leishmaniasen) … Universal-Lexikon
Leishman — This interesting surname is the Scottish form of the name Leachman or Leechman , from the Old English laece , leech, and mann , servant of the physician, hence, someone who used leeches in helping a physisian, to cure somebody. The name is… … Surnames reference
Leishman stain — Leishman s stain, also Leishman stain, is used in microscopy for staining blood smears. It provides excellent stain quality. It is generally used to differentiate and identify leucocytes, malaria parasites, and trypanosomas. It is based on a… … Wikipedia
Leishman , Sir William Boog — (1865–1926) British bacteriologist Leishman was born in Glasgow, the son of the regius professor of medicine at the university there. He himself was educated at the university, where he obtained his MD in 1886. He immediately joined the Army… … Scientists
Leishman-Donovan body — Leish·man Don·o·van body dän ə vən n a protozoan of the genus Leishmania (esp. L. donovani) in its nonmotile stage that is found esp. in cells of the skin, spleen, and liver of individuals affected with leishmaniasis and esp. kala azar compare… … Medical dictionary
Leishman body — Leish·man body lēsh mən n LEISHMAN DONOVAN BODY … Medical dictionary
Leishman stain — Leish·man stain (lēshґmən) [Sir William Boog Leishman, English army surgeon and bacteriologist, 1865–1926] see Stains and Staining Methods, under stain … Medical dictionary
Leishman-Donovan body — see Leishmania [Sir W. B. Leishman (1865–1926), British surgeon; C. Donovan (1863–1951), Irish physician] … The new mediacal dictionary
leishman-donovan body — ¦līshmənˈdänəvən , ˈdən noun Usage: usually capitalized L&D Etymology: after Sir William B. Leishman died 1926 English army surgeon & Charles Donovan died 1951 Irish physician : a protozoan of the genus Leishmania (especially L. donovani) in its… … Useful english dictionary