

Lilburne ist der Name von

  • John Lilburne (* ca. 1614; † 1657, auch bekannt als Freeborn John), Anführer der radikaldemokratischen "Levellers" im England des siebzehnten Jahrhunderts.
  • Robert Lilburne (1613−1665), Anführer der Levellers , Politiker und Soldat während des Englischen Bürgerkrieges und im Commonwealth
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  • LILBURNE (J.) — LILBURNE JOHN (1614 1657) Chef le plus célèbre du mouvement des niveleurs au temps de la révolution anglaise, John Lilburne sut allier l’action militante la plus déterminée à la réflexion idéologique la plus poussée (il est l’auteur d’une… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Lilburne — Recorded in a number of spellings including Lilburn, Lilbourn, Lilbourne, and Lilburne, this is an English medieval locational surname. It originates from either the village of Lilbourne in Northamptonshire or a similar village called Lilburn,… …   Surnames reference

  • Lilburne, John — born 1614?, Greenwich, near London, Eng. died Aug. 29, 1657, Eltham, Kent English revolutionary. A Separatist, he joined the Puritan opposition to Charles I and helped smuggle Puritan pamphlets into England, for which he was imprisoned (1638–40) …   Universalium

  • Lilburne, John — (?1614–57)    Rebel.    Lilburne was born of an interesting family. His father was one of the last people in England to demand settlement by single combat in a civil suit and his brother, Robert, was one of the signatories of the death warrant of …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • Lilburne — /ˈlɪlbɜn/ (say lilbern) noun John, 1614?–57, English Puritan and leader of the Levellers …  

  • lilburne — …   Useful english dictionary

  • ЛИ́ЛБЕРН (Lilburne) Джон — (Lilburne) Джон (ок. 1614–1657), руководитель и идеолог партии левеллеров (букв.– уравнители) в период Англ. рев ции 17 в. Преследовался пресвитерианами, индепен дентами. В 1652 выслан из Англии; после возвращения заключён в тюрьму… …   Биографический словарь

  • Lilburne, John — (¿1614?, Greenwich, cerca de Londres, Inglaterra–29 ago. 1657, Eltham, Kent). Revolucionario inglés. De tendencia separatista, se integró a la oposición puritana a Carlos I y ayudó a ingresar de contrabando panfletos puritanos a Inglaterra, por… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • LILBURNE, JOHN —    a victim of the Star Chamber in the time of Charles I., and exposed on the pillory as well as fined and imprisoned; joined the Parliamentary ranks and fought for the Commonwealth, but as an Independent indulged in violent harangues against… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • John Lilburne — (1614 ndash;29 August 1657), also known as Freeborn John, was an agitator in England before, during and after the English Civil Wars of 1642 ndash;1650. In his early life he was a Puritan, though towards the end of his life he became a Quaker.… …   Wikipedia

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