

Lipman ist der Familienname folgender Personen:

  • Berry Lipman (* 1921; eigentlich Friedel Berlipp), deutscher Bandleader, Komponist, Arrangeur und Musikproduzent
  • Daniel Lipman, US-amerikanischer Drehbuchautor
  • Jerzy Lipman (19221983), polnischer Kameramann
  • Matthew Lipman (19222010), US-amerikanischer Hochschullehrer und Philosoph

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  • Lipman — is a surname, and may refer to:* Daniel Lipman * Elinor Lipman * Hymen Lipman (Hyman Lipman) * Lori Lipman Brown * Masha Lipman, Russian journalist * Matthew Lipman, founder of Philosophy for Children * Maureen Lipman * Mel Lipman * Michael… …   Wikipedia

  • Lipman — Recorded in several spellings including Leverman, Liberman, Liebmann, Liepmann, Lipman, Lipmann, Lippman, Lipman, and Lipmanovicz, this is an English, German, Polish, and sometimes Jewish surname of German origins. It is derives from the pre 8th… …   Surnames reference

  • Lipman-Regal — im Magazin der Wissenschaftlichen Stadtbibliothek Mainz …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • LIPMAN, EUGENE JAY — (1919–1993), U.S. Reform rabbi. Lipman was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. A traditionalist and a Zionist, Lipman would have attended the Jewish Theological Seminary but an interview with its chancellor who asked him only about the nature of… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • LIPMAN, VIVIAN DAVID — (1921–1990), British administrator and historian. Born in London, Lipman served in the British army during World War II before obtaining his doctorate at Oxford University. He entered the British Civil Service in 1947 and worked as an… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • LIPMAN, LEVI — (Isaac Libman; first half of 18th century), merchant of Courland and financial agent for the imperial Russian court. Lipman s name is found in documents from the reigns of Peter II (1727–30) and Anna (1730–40), occasionally with the addition of… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Lipman Bers — (genannt Lipa Bers; * 22. Mai 1914 in Riga; † 29. Oktober 1993 in New Rochelle in New York) war ein in Lettland geborener US amerikanischer Mathematiker, der sich vor allem mit Funktionentheorie, Differentialgeometrie und partiellen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • LIPMAN, JACOB GOODALE — (1874–1939), U.S. soil chemist and bacteriologist. Lipman was born in Friedrichstadt, Latvia. His parents were expelled from Moscow in 1888, and went to the U.S. In 1898 he joined the New Jersey State Agricultural Experimental Station and was its …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Lipman Bers — (May 22, 1914, Riga, Latvia – October 29, 1993, New Rochelle, New York) was an American mathematician who worked on Riemann surfaces. Bers received his Ph.D. in 1938 from the University of Prague. His advisor was Charles Loewner. He worked at… …   Wikipedia

  • Lipman, Jerzy — (1922 1983)    Cinematographer whose name is associated with several great achievements of the Polish School. Lipman started his career in 1953 as a camera operator on Aleksander Ford s Five Boys from Barska Street. Later he worked as a… …   Guide to cinema

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