Liste der Members des Order of Canada/G

Liste der Members des Order of Canada/G

Diese Liste gibt einen Überblick aller Personen, denen die Auszeichnung Member of the Order of Canada verliehen wurde.


  1. Gaetano Gagliano
  2. Aimé Gagné
  3. Michel Gagné
  4. Roland Gagné
  5. Claire Gagnier
  6. André Gagnon
  7. Denis Gagnon
  8. François-Marc Gagnon
  9. Gérard Gagnon
  10. France Gagnon Pratte
  11. Claudette Gagnon-Dionne
  12. Harry Ralph Gairey
  13. Jay Gajjar
  14. Roland Galarneau
  15. James Douglas Galbraith
  16. Sheldon Galbraith
  17. André Jacques Galipeault
  18. Paul Gallagher
  19. Clara Gallant
  20. Corinne Gallant
  21. J. Albert Gallant
  22. Lennie Gallant
  23. Lorette Gallant
  24. Marguerite A. Gallaway
  25. Alvan Gamble
  26. William Alastair Gamble
  27. Hormisdas Gamelin
  28. David A. Ganong
  29. R. Whidden Ganong
  30. William Garden
  31. Michael Gardener
  32. Helen E. Gardiner
  33. Joseph Daniel (Don) Gardiner
  34. Melvin Gardiner
  35. W. Douglas H. Gardiner
  36. Joseph A.F. Gardner
  37. Zoie Gardner
  38. Arthur Gareau
  39. Pierre Eugène Gariépy
  40. Andrzej Marian Garlicki
  41. Richard Garneau
  42. Gregory Francis Gatenby
  43. Yves Gaucher
  44. Denise Gaudet
  45. J. Henri Gaudet
  46. Françoise Gaudet-Smet
  47. Georges Edouard Gaudreau
  48. Amédée Gaudreault
  49. David Eldon (Tom) Gauley
  50. Dominique Gauthier
  51. Isidore M. Gauthier
  52. Jean-Robert Gauthier
  53. Paul Gauthier
  54. Robert Gauthier
  55. Andrée Dalcourt Gauvin
  56. Roland Gauvin
  57. Miroslawa Gawalewicz
  58. Eric A. Geddes
  59. William Oscar Geisler
  60. Morrie M. Gelfand
  61. John Gellner
  62. Gertrude Constant Gendreau
  63. Louis Genest
  64. Patsy George
  65. Peter J. George
  66. Kenneth V. Georgetti
  67. Robert E. Geraghty
  68. Nicole Germain
  69. Irving Russell Gerstein
  70. Maynard Gertler
  71. Alice Gervais
  72. Alphonse Mathias Gerwing
  73. Samuel Gesser
  74. Leila Getz
  75. Bernard Ghert
  76. Ratna Ghosh
  77. Christopher Paul Giannou
  78. Lenore Gibb
  79. Josephine Gibbons
  80. Daniel A. Gibson
  81. Graeme Gibson
  82. Helen Beny Gibson
  83. James Alexander Gibson
  84. William C. Gibson
  85. Tamara Giesbrecht
  86. Alphonse Giguère
  87. Albert Gilbert
  88. James Alan Longmore Gilbert
  89. Mallory Gilbert
  90. William H. Giles
  91. Ronald J. Gillespie
  92. Terrence Gillespie
  93. Violet Amy Gillett
  94. Robert W. Gillham
  95. James Gillies
  96. Daniel Alexander Gillis
  97. Margie Gillis
  98. Allan K. Gillmore
  99. Clyde Gilmour
  100. James Clayton Gilson
  101. Fernand Gingras
  102. Jean-Pierre Girerd
  103. Françoise R. Giroux
  104. Robert J. Giroux
  105. Joseph Harvey Gjesdal
  106. Lawrence Albert Gladue
  107. Donald E.M. Glendenning
  108. Srul Irving Glick
  109. Robert G. Glossop
  110. Hans Gmoser
  111. Anthony J. Gocki
  112. Mira Godard
  113. Charles M. Godfrey
  114. Paul Victor Godfrey
  115. Sheldon Jay Godfrey
  116. Conrad Godin
  117. Serge Godin
  118. Dale A. Godsoe
  119. Anthony C. Golab
  120. Abraham Gold
  121. Edgar Gold
  122. Judith Hammerling Gold
  123. Muriel Gold
  124. Yhetta Miriam Gold
  125. Sheila Barshay Goldbloom
  126. Anne Golden
  127. June Goldsmith
  128. Myer Murray Goldstein
  129. Cecil Goldstick
  130. Allan W. Goodfellow
  131. Joseph O. Goodman
  132. Martin Wise Goodman
  133. Russell Charles Goodman
  134. Alix Goolden
  135. Henrietta Goplen
  136. Frederick William Gorbet
  137. Duncan Lockhart Gordon
  138. J. King Gordon
  139. Mary Gordon
  140. Winston Graham Gordon
  141. Peter R. Gorman
  142. Abram Y. Goss
  143. Claude Gosselin
  144. Calvin Carl Gotlieb
  145. Mildred Gottfriedson
  146. Ronald Alan Gould
  147. Jean-Paul Gourdeau
  148. Andrew Goussaert
  149. Geoffrey Russell Gowan
  150. Barbara Gowdy
  151. Christian W.A. Graefe
  152. Carole Sandra Grafstein
  153. Anthony Francis Graham
  154. James H. Graham
  155. John Alexander Graham
  156. M. David Graham
  157. Marion Margaret Graham
  158. Laurie J. Graham-Flynn
  159. Frieda Granot
  160. Ivy Granstrom
  161. James Andrews Grant
  162. M. Irène Grant Guérette
  163. Ronald D. Grantham
  164. Joffre-André Gravel
  165. Claudette Gravelle
  166. Charlotte Gray
  167. James H. Gray
  168. Jean Gray
  169. Abraham J. Green
  170. Donald M. Green
  171. John Green
  172. Leslie C. Green
  173. Cora de Jong Greenaway
  174. Keith R. Greenaway
  175. Mary Greene
  176. Gail E. Greenough
  177. Sonny Greenwich
  178. Helen Frances Gregor
  179. Hilda Gregory
  180. Claude Grenier
  181. Walter Gretzky
  182. David Georges Greyeyes
  183. Stanley George S. Grizzle
  184. Valère Emile Groleau
  185. Aurèle Groulx
  186. Heinrich Ihmels Grube
  187. Georgette D. Guay
  188. Rachel Vandandaigue Guérette
  189. Gowan Thomas Guest
  190. Gerard F.J. Guichon
  191. André-M. Guillemette
  192. Hubert A. Guillet
  193. Boniface Guimond
  194. Simon Rufus Guinchard
  195. Jeannine Guindon
  196. Yvan Guindon
  197. R. Ben Gullison
  198. Chit Chan Gunn
  199. Frank H. Gunston
  200. Ramsay Willis Gunton
  201. Donna Marie Gurr
  202. Ralph Barker Gustafson
  203. May C. Gutteridge
  204. Irving Allen Guttman
  205. Patricia T. Guyda
  206. Blanka Gyulai

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