Liste der Members des Order of Canada/B

Liste der Members des Order of Canada/B

Diese Liste gibt einen Überblick aller Personen, denen die Auszeichnung Member of the Order of Canada verliehen wurde.


  1. André Bachand
  2. Constance Backhouse
  3. Kevork Baghdjian
  4. Flora Minnie Leone Bagnall
  5. Glen Merlyn Bagnell
  6. Elizabeth Bagshaw
  7. John Edward Bahen
  8. Hélène Baillargeon-Côté
  9. Nini Baird
  10. Vaughan Lawson Baird
  11. Clare Baker
  12. George Chisholm Baker
  13. Peggy Baker
  14. Simon Baker
  15. George Balcan
  16. Eric W. Balcom
  17. Gerald Bales
  18. Clara Z. Balinsky
  19. Geoffrey E.H. Ballard
  20. Mona Blair Bandeen
  21. Madeleine E. Banister
  22. Keith G. Banting
  23. William J. Barakett
  24. François Barbeau
  25. Lawrence Ross Coates Barclay
  26. Mary Belle Barclay
  27. Ralph MacKenzie Barford
  28. Marcel Baril
  29. C.A.V. Barker
  30. Mary Ross Barker
  31. Selma de Lotbinière Barkham
  32. André Barnard
  33. Kenneth N. Barnard
  34. Christopher Richard Barnes
  35. Michael Barnes
  36. Joseph John Barnicke
  37. Gerald K. Barr
  38. Barbara Bettine Barrett
  39. James Barriere
  40. Alex Paul Barris
  41. John Barron
  42. Augusta Barter
  43. Jean Ashworth Bartle
  44. Bradford J. Barton
  45. Eric A. Barton
  46. William Barton
  47. B. Norman Barwin
  48. Parvathi K. Basrur
  49. Guido Basso
  50. David V. Bates
  51. John Gordon Bates
  52. John S. Bates
  53. Maxwell Bates
  54. Manuel G. Batshaw
  55. Adrian G. Battcock
  56. Albert Batten
  57. Kenneth Robert Battle
  58. Robert F. Battle
  59. Bertha Baumann
  60. Cynthia Baxter
  61. Aba Bayefsky
  62. Mary Elizabeth Bayer
  63. Beatrice Bazar
  64. Gert Beadle
  65. George Edwin Beament
  66. Richard James Beamish
  67. Robert E. Beamish
  68. Joyce L. Beare-Rogers
  69. Larry Beasley
  70. Allan Leslie Beattie
  71. Bruce W. Beatty
  72. D.S. Beatty
  73. Patricia Beatty
  74. Jeanine Beaubien
  75. Jacques Beauchamp
  76. Lucette R. Beauchemin
  77. Guy Beaudet
  78. Jacques Beaudoin
  79. Jocelyn Beaudoin
  80. Guy Beaulne
  81. Yvon Beaulne
  82. Luc Beauregard
  83. Emile M.A. Beauvais
  84. H. Thomas Beck
  85. James Murray Beck
  86. Margaret Becklake
  87. John Beckwith
  88. Charles T. Beer
  89. Paul Beeston
  90. Patricia Leone Beharriell
  91. Charles Beil
  92. Morton Beiser
  93. Jean-Luc Bélanger
  94. Laurent Bélanger
  95. Léonidas Bélanger
  96. Walter Bélanger
  97. Alfred M. Bell
  98. Carol Gay Bell
  99. Dama Lumley Bell
  100. Douglas L.D. Bell
  101. Jack Bell
  102. Ruth Marion Bell
  103. Kathrine Bellamy
  104. Louise Bellavance
  105. Mimi M. Belmonte
  106. Frances Belzberg
  107. Jenny Belzberg
  108. Charles H. Belzile
  109. Hervé Belzile
  110. Marjorie Bencz
  111. Daniel Benedict
  112. Jalynn H. Bennett
  113. Myra M. Bennett
  114. Claude Benoit
  115. Simone Gabrielle Marie Benoît Roy
  116. Jacques Bensimon
  117. Henry John Bergen
  118. Samuel Berger
  119. Pierre Bergeron
  120. Daniel E. Bergsagel
  121. Norbert Berkowitz
  122. Camille Bernard
  123. Wanda Thomas Bernard
  124. Jean-Guy Bernier
  125. Sylvie Bernier
  126. Virginia Berry
  127. Hector-Louis Bertrand
  128. Marlene Bertrand
  129. Jean-Yves Bérubé
  130. Louise Bessette
  131. Joseph M. Besso
  132. Lyle R. Best
  133. Clarence Bethune
  134. Lois Etherington Betteridge
  135. Benjamin Beutel
  136. Salome Bey
  137. Prakash Bhartia
  138. Gurcharan Singh Bhatia
  139. Wilbrod Bherer
  140. Clare Bice
  141. Ralph Bice
  142. John Burgon Bickersteth
  143. Edward Isaac Bickert
  144. Charles Biddle
  145. André C. Biéler
  146. John Bienenstock
  147. Germain Bigué
  148. Alfred J. Billes
  149. Ferdinand F. Biondi
  150. Leonard Joseph Birchall
  151. George Drummond Birks
  152. Michel Biron
  153. Guy Bisaillon
  154. Heather Bishop
  155. Louis Bisson
  156. John L.N. Bitove
  157. Hélène-Andrée Bizier
  158. Donald W. Black
  159. Harriet E. Black
  160. James Thompson Black
  161. George G. Blackburn
  162. Frederick P. Blackstein
  163. David Lloyd Blackwood
  164. D. Gordon Blair
  165. Jean Blais
  166. Hector (Toe) Blake
  167. Joyce M. Blake
  168. Mervyn A.C. Blake
  169. Phyllis R. Blakeley
  170. Thurston Blakey
  171. Marjorie Blankstein
  172. Stefan Michael Blasco
  173. Robin Blaser
  174. Francis John Blatherwick
  175. Paul Bley
  176. Michael Bliss
  177. George Blondin
  178. Ronald L. Bloore
  179. Roy E. Boates
  180. Bruno Joseph Bobak
  181. Molly Lamb Bobak
  182. Jacques Bobet
  183. Jeannette F. Bock
  184. Douglas Bocking
  185. W.E. Brent Boddy
  186. Harald Bohne
  187. Francis William Pius Bolger
  188. Peter Boneham
  189. Yolande D. Bonenfant
  190. Roy Bonisteel
  191. Solomon Bonneau
  192. Edsel J. Bonnell
  193. Léo Bonneville
  194. Yvette Bonny
  195. Bernard A. Bonser
  196. Walter Borden
  197. Elisabeth Mann Borgese
  198. Thea Borlase
  199. Paul Michel Bosc
  200. Monique Bosco
  201. Renato Giuseppe Bosisio
  202. David M. Boswell
  203. David Botsford
  204. Claude Bouchard
  205. Jacques Bouchard
  206. Jacques J. Bouchard
  207. Jeanne-dArc Bouchard
  208. May Bouchard
  209. Micheline Bouchard
  210. John B. Boucher
  211. Marcelle Boucher
  212. André Boudreau
  213. Anselme Boudreau
  214. Léone Boudreau-Nelson
  215. Benoit Bouffard
  216. Jocelyne Bourassa
  217. Lionel Bourgault
  218. Maurice J. Bourgault
  219. Marie Bourgeois
  220. Paulette Bourgeois
  221. Marc Bourgie
  222. Marshall J. Bourinot
  223. Claude Bourque
  224. Pauline Boutal
  225. Jacqueline L. Boutet
  226. Pierre Boutet
  227. Philip Churchill Bower
  228. Marjorie Montgomery Bowker
  229. Newton Rowell Bowles
  230. Clement W. Bowman
  231. Eleanor Boyce
  232. Hugh Boyd
  233. Liona Boyd
  234. André Boyer
  235. William J.S. Boyle
  236. Esther Braden
  237. Robert William Bradford
  238. Mary Bradley
  239. Robert B. Bradley
  240. Jean Ellen (Jinnie) Bradshaw
  241. M. Suzanne Bradshaw
  242. Gérard Brady
  243. William J. Brady
  244. E. Arthur Braid
  245. Anthony August Brait
  246. Leonard Austin Braithwaite
  247. Deanna Marie Brasseur
  248. Maurice Brault
  249. Omer Brazeau
  250. Maryon Brechin
  251. Douglas Bremner
  252. Elizabeth Brewster
  253. Elizabeth Ruth Bridgman
  254. Barbara Ann Gordon Brink
  255. Andrew A. Briosi
  256. Marcel Brisebois
  257. Louise Brissette
  258. Alan Broadbent
  259. Barry Broadfoot
  260. Claude R. Brochu
  261. Jean-Marie Brochu
  262. Stanley E. Brock
  263. LeSueur Brodie
  264. Barbara Bromley
  265. Marjorie Bronfman
  266. John F. Brook
  267. Christopher Robert Brookes
  268. C. John Brooks
  269. Georges Brossard
  270. Alexander Brott
  271. Lotte Brott
  272. John W.D. (Scotty) Broughton
  273. Chrystine Brouillet
  274. Pierre Brouillette
  275. Arch J.D. Brown
  276. Christopher Thomas Brown
  277. Clarence B. (Shorty) Brown
  278. Gordon Brown
  279. Gordon Ronald Brown
  280. Jacob A. Brown
  281. Lawrence Brown
  282. Maureen Dunphy Brown
  283. May Brown
  284. Pauline P. Brown
  285. Robert E. Brown
  286. William E. Brown
  287. William Thomas Brown
  288. Rachel Browne
  289. Kurt Browning
  290. Morton Brownstein
  291. Ellen Bruce
  292. Fred Bruemmer
  293. Claude Bruneau
  294. Claude Brunet
  295. Joyce Bryant
  296. Jane Lamond Buchan
  297. Bruce Buchanan
  298. Harold Buchwald
  299. Roel C. Buck
  300. Peter G. Buckland
  301. Francis (Frank) C. Buckley
  302. Judith Chernin Budovitch
  303. René Buisson
  304. Rémi Bujold
  305. Linda R. Bull
  306. John F. Bulloch
  307. William John Antliff Bulman
  308. John H. Burgess
  309. Rachel L. Burgess
  310. Ellen Burka
  311. Jean Robertson Burnet
  312. Dorothy K. Burnham
  313. Elizabeth (Libby) Burnham
  314. Charles F.W. Burns
  315. Walter T. Burns
  316. Anne Burrows
  317. Ruth Burrows
  318. Vernon Douglas Burrows
  319. Nestor Burtnyk
  320. G. Allan Burton
  321. Peter Busby
  322. Walter Bushuk
  323. Eugène Bussière
  324. Susan Butler
  325. Donna Butt
  326. John Clulow Butt
  327. M. Isabelle Butters
  328. Thomas H. Butters
  329. Karel Buzek
  330. Cyril J. Byrne
  331. Harold Byrnes

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