Lorre — Surtout porté dans les Côtes d Armor, le nom s écrit aussi Le Lorre, Le Lore (44). Sens obscur, du moins pour moi. Le rapprochement avec le breton lorc h (= orgueil, luxe) est il possible ? Je n en sais rien. La variante Laure (les deux formes… … Noms de famille
Lorre — (Laszlo Lowenstein, dit Peter) (1904 1964) acteur américain. Après M le Maudit (1931), il s exile aux È. U.: les Mains d Orlac (1934); le Faucon maltais (1941) … Encyclopédie Universelle
Lorre — Lọrre, Peter, eigentlich László Loewenstein [ lø ], österreichisch amerikanischer Filmschauspieler, * Ružomberok 26. 6. 1904, ✝ Los Angeles (Calif.) 23. 3. 1964; ab 1929 Theaterengagement in Berlin, Zusammenarbeit mit B. Brecht. Lorre erlangte … Universal-Lexikon
Lorre — noun United States actor (born in Hungary) noted for playing sinister roles (1904 1964) • Syn: ↑Peter Lorre, ↑Laszlo Lowestein • Instance Hypernyms: ↑actor, ↑histrion, ↑player, ↑thespian, ↑role player … Useful english dictionary
LORRE, PETER — (Laszlo Lowenstein; 1904–1964), film actor. Born in Rozsahegy, Hungary, Lorre joined a German theatrical troupe at 17 and for a time worked with the German dramatist Bertolt Brecht. In 1931 his performance as the psychopathic killer in Fritz Lang … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Lorre, Peter — (Laszlo Loewenstein, 1904 1964) Actor. Lorre achieved his greatest fame as a film actor in the United States, but he had established superb credentials in Berlin before he fled to Hollywood. Germany isn t big enough for two murderers like… … Historical dictionary of German Theatre
Lorre, Peter — orig. László Loewenstein born June 26, 1904, Rózsahegy, Hung. died March 23, 1964, Hollywood, Calif., U.S. Hungarian born U.S. film actor. He played bit parts with a German theatrical troupe before earning international fame as the psychotic… … Universalium
Lorre — /lawr ee/, n. Peter (László Loewenstein), 1904 64, U.S. film actor, born in Hungary. * * * … Universalium
lorré — (lo ré) Voy. loré … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Lorre — /ˈlɒri/ (say loree), /ˈlɒreɪ/ (say loray) noun Peter (Laszlo Löwenstein), 1904–64, Hungarian born actor, working in Europe and the US …