Louis XIV — de France « Louis XIV » redirige ici. Pour les autres significations, voir Louis XIV (homon … Wikipédia en Français
Louis xiv — de France « Louis XIV » redirige ici. Pour les autres significations, voir Louis XIV (homon … Wikipédia en Français
Louis XIV — • King of France, b. at Saint Germain en Laye, 16 September, 1638; d. at Versailles, 1 September, 1715; was the son of Louis XIII and Anne of Austria, and became king, upon the death of his father, 14 May 1643 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight … Catholic encyclopedia
LOUIS XIV — est un des personnages historiques sur lesquels l’attention demeure portée, sans que nul historien puisse prétendre donner de lui une image certaine et définitive. Qu’il ait influencé directement les destinées françaises et qu’à ce titre on ne… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Louis XIV. — bezeichnet den „Sonnenkönig“, siehe Ludwig XIV. eine Band, siehe Louis XIV (Band) ein Spiel, siehe Louis XIV (Spiel) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Louis XIV — Datos generales Origen San Diego, EUA Estado … Wikipedia Español
Louis XIV — ( the Great ; the Sun King ) 1638 1715, king of France 1643 1715 (son of Louis XIII). * * * known as the Sun King born Sept. 5, 1638, Saint Germain en Laye, France died Sept. 1, 1715, Versailles King of France (1643–1715), ruler during one of… … Universalium
Louis XIV — (1638 1715) king of France King of France from 1643 to 1715, Louis XIV, the son of louis x III and anne of Austria, was born at Saint Germain en Laye. He was only five years old when his father died. His mother served as regent with the… … France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present
Louis XIV — (1638–1715) Monarch. Louis inherited the French throne while he was still a child and he did not begin his personal reign until 1661. At that point France was the most powerful nation in Europe. Louis centralised power around himself,… … Who’s Who in Christianity
LOUIS XIV — the Grand Monarque, son of the preceding, was only nine when his father died, and the government was in the hands of his mother, Anne of Austria, and Cardinal Mazarin, her minister; under the regency the glory of France was maintained in the… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia