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  • Lydiard — Recorded in several spellings as shown below, this is an English surname. It is locational from either Lydiard in the county of Wiltshire or Bishops Lydeard in the county of Somerset. The meaning of the name is unclear, although both places are… …   Surnames reference

  • Lydiard House — is a manor located in Lydiard Park in West Swindon, Wiltshire. The house and surrounding land was originally owned by the Viscount Bolingbroke who owned the house for several centuries until the cost of caring for the house proved too high, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Lydiard Park — is a 260 acre country park in south west Swindon, Wiltshire, UK near Junction 16 of the M4 .The park contains Lydiard House, which is the former residence of the Viscounts Bolingbroke. Originally, in the seventeenth century, the house was built… …   Wikipedia

  • Lydiard H. Horton — Lydiard Heneage Horton (1879 January 19 1945) was a consulting psychologist and author, who lectured and wrote about dream psychology, and World War I shell shock and trench nightmare. He was born in London, the only child of an American lawyer… …   Wikipedia

  • Lydiard Tregoze — Original name in latin Lydiard Tregoze Name in other language State code GB Continent/City Europe/London longitude 51.55 latitude 1.85 altitude 117 Population 0 Date 2011 07 31 …   Cities with a population over 1000 database

  • HMS Lydiard — Lydiard war der Name eines britischen Zerstörers, der an der Skagerrakschlacht im Ersten Weltkrieg teilnahm. Das Schiff gehörte der Laforey Klasse an, Ihre Schwesterschiffe waren die HMS Landrail, die HMS Laurel und die HMS Liberty. In Dienst… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Arthur Lydiard — Arthur Leslie Lydiard, ONZ, OBE, (July 6, 1917 ndash; December 11, 2004) was a New Zealand runner and athletics coach. He has been lauded as one of the outstanding athletics coaches of all time and is credited with popularizing, if not inventing …   Wikipedia

  • Charles Lydiard — Charles Lydiard …   Wikipedia

  • Arthur Lydiard — (* 6. Juli 1917 in Auckland, Neuseeland; † 11. Dezember 2004 in Houston, Texas, USA) war ein neuseeländischer Leichtathletiktrainer, der insgesamt 17 Mittel und Langstreckenläufer zu olympischen Medaillen führte. Er begründete die Methode des… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • HMS Lydiard (1914) — Schwesterschiff HMS Leonidas Übersicht Typ Zerstörer Bauwerft …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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