mach — mach … Dictionnaire des rimes
MACH (E.) — Physicien préoccupé en même temps de la critique historique des concepts physiques et des phénomènes de psychophysiologie des sensations, Mach a fourni une œuvre scientifique importante à la jonction de plusieurs disciplines, mais souvent mal… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Mach — [ mak ] n. pr. • v. 1950; nom d un physicien autrichien ♦ Aéronaut. Nombre de Mach : rapport entre la vitesse d un mobile et celle du son se propageant dans le même milieu. Ellipt Voler à Mach 2, à Mach 3, à 2, 3 fois la vitesse du son (⇒… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Mach — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Alexander Mach (1902–1980), slowakischer Journalist und Politiker, Hauptorganisator der Deportation slowakischer Juden Edmund Mach (Chemiker) (1846–1901), österreichischer Agrarchemiker und Önologe Edmund… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mach — may refer to:* Mach number, a measure of speed * Gillette Mach3, a manual razor with three blades * Mach bands, an optical illusion * Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor, abbreviated mACh In computers* ATI Mach, a 2D GPU chip by ATI * Mach II, an… … Wikipedia
Mach 1 — , MACH NUMBER When airplanes first started to fly, their speed was measured like that of a moving vehicle on the ground. As air speeds increased, that method became obsolete, and a new method had to be found. Ernst Mach (1838 1916), an… … Dictionary of eponyms
Mach-O — Icône de terminal, semblable à celle du terminal de MacOS X Extension … Wikipédia en Français
mach — MACH, machi, s.m. (fiz.) Unitate de măsură pentru viteza mişcării fluidelor, utilizată în aerodinamică şi în tehnica rachetelor, egală cu 340 m/s. ♢ Numărul lui Mach = raport între viteza unui proiectil, avion etc. într un fluid şi cea a… … Dicționar Român
Mach-O — Расширение без расширения, .o, .dylib Разработан Университет Карнеги Меллон/Apple Inc. Тип формата двоичный, исполняемый, объектный, динамическая библиотека, дамп памяти Содержит исполняемый код … Википедия
Mach — [mæk US ma:k] n [U] [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: Ernst Mach (1838 1916), Austrian scientist] a unit for measuring speed, especially of an aircraft, in relation to the speed of sound. Mach 1 is the speed of sound, Mach 2 is twice the speed of sound… … Dictionary of contemporary English