Arcana — может означать: Arcana шведская неоклассическая группа. Arcana альбом группы Edenbridge. Nox Arcana американский музыкальный проект. Lord of Arcana компьютерная игра. Arcana Famiglia визуальная новелла. Arcana манга … Википедия
arcana — (n.) hidden things, mysteries, 1590s, a direct adoption of the Latin plural of arcanum a secret, a mystery, from neuter of adjective arcanus secret, hidden, private, concealed (see ARCANE (Cf. arcane)). Occasionally mistaken for a singular and… … Etymology dictionary
Arcāna — (lat.), s. Arcanum … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Arcana — Arcana, Pluralform von arcanum, Geheimmittel, einst in der Arzneikunde, Chemie, Viehzucht, Landbau, Fischerei und Jägerei sehr häufig, heutzutage aber bis auf wenige verschwunden … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
arcana — index secret Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
arcana — ARCANÁ, arcanale, s.f. (reg.) Numele unui dans popular şi melodia după care se execută. – Din arcan1. Trimis de gall, 01.02.2008. Sursa: DLRM … Dicționar Român
Arcana — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Arcana peut désigner : Arcana, un manga japonais ; Arcana, un manhwa sud coréen ; Arcana, un groupe suédois de musique néoclassique… … Wikipédia en Français
Arcana — Arcanum Ar*ca num, n.; pl. {Arcana}. [L., fr. arcanus closed, secret, fr. arca chest, box, fr. arcere to inclose. See {Ark}.] 1. A secret; a mystery; generally used in the plural. [1913 Webster] Inquiries into the arcana of the Godhead. Warburton … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
arcana — [α: keɪnə] plural noun [treated as sing. or plural] (sing. arcanum) 1》 secrets; mysteries. 2》 either of the two groups of cards in a tarot pack: the twenty two trumps (the major arcana) and the fifty six suit cards (the minor arcana). Origin C16 … English new terms dictionary
arcana — (ahr KAH nah) [Latin] Mysterious or hidden things; profound secrets. The general reader can immediately appreciate the architecture of its orchestration with little or no grounding in Yeatsian arcana or the “Irish question.” The Atlantic… … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases