AREF (A. S.) — AREF ABDEL SALAM (1921 1966) Né d’une famille musulmane (son père, marchand de drap, était imam), Abdel Salam sera toute sa vie un fervent adepte de l’islam. Ce fait sous tendra son action politique et guidera sa recherche de l’unité arabe et son … Encyclopédie Universelle
AREF (A. R.) — AREF ABDEL RAHMAN (1916 ) Sorti de l’école militaire de Bagdad en 1937, Abdel Rahman Aref suit une carrière militaire normale, sans ambition politique. S’il se rallie au complot de 1958, qui instaure la république, c’est que son frère cadet, le… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Aref — Aref, Abd al Rahmán Aref, Abd al Salam … Enciclopedia Universal
aref — aregh, areȝ, aref, arehwe see argh a. and v … Useful english dictionary
Aref al-Aref — (seated, center), when he was governor of Beersheba Aref al Aref (1891–1973; Arabic: عارف العارف) was a Palestinian journalist, historian and politician who served as mayor of East Jerusalem in the 1950s … Wikipedia
Aref al-Aref — (* 1891 in Jerusalem, Osmanisches Reich; † 30. Juli 1973 in Ramallah, Jordanien) war ein arabischer Journalist, Politiker und Beamter palästinensischer Herkunft. Er war der erste freie gewählte Bürgermeister Ostjerusalems, sowie Minister in der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Aref Qazvini — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Abulqasem Aref Qazvini Abulqasem Aref Qazvini (Farsi: ابوالقاسم عارف قزوینی) (Qazvin, Irán; 1880 – Hamadán, Irán; 21 de enero de 1 … Wikipedia Español
Aref (Aref Arefkia) — Aref (Lang fa| عارف) born August 10,1941 in Tehran, Iran, is an Iranian born pop singer.Aref’s first introductions to music came in part by his Azeri mother listening to Radio Baku as a child. Radio of Baku played azeri and western music as well… … Wikipedia
Aref Ensemble — (in Persian: گروه عارف) was one of the leading ensembles in Persian classical music of 20th century. It was founded by maestro Parviz Meshkatian, Hossein Alizadeh, and Mohammad Reza Lotfi in 1977. The group was named after Aref Ghazvini, Iranian… … Wikipedia
Aref al-Aref — (Jérusalem, 1891 Ramallah, 30 juillet 1973) était un journaliste, politicien et historien arabe palestinien. Il étudie à Istanbul et sert en tant qu officier dans l armée ottomane durant la Première Guerre mondiale. Capturé sur le front du… … Wikipédia en Français