mrvica — mȑvica ž DEFINICIJA dem. od mrva ETIMOLOGIJA vidi mrva … Hrvatski jezični portal
mŕvica — e ž (ŕ) 1. manjšalnica od mrva: a) stresti mrvice iz žepa; redko mrvica prsti grudica / ekspr. od kruha ni ostala niti mrvica prav nič ♦ gastr. čokoladne mrvice čokolada v obliki podolgovatih drobcev za okras peciva, sladic b) seno se je drobilo … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
Maksim Mrvica — Background information Born May 3, 1975 (1975 05 03) (age 36) … Wikipedia
Maksim Mrvica — est un pianiste croate, né le 3 mai 1975 à Šibenik (Croatie). Il a reçu une formation musicale à l Académie de musique de Zagreb auprès de Vladimir Krpan qui fut un élève d Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli. Puis il a été admis au Conserva … Wikipédia en Français
Maksim Mrvica — (* 3. Mai 1975 in Šibenik, SR Kroatien) ist ein kroatischer Pianist. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Erfolge 3 Diskografie 3.1 Alben … Deutsch Wikipedia
Мрвица, Максим — Максим Мрвица Maksim Mrvica … Википедия
Electrik — Infobox Album | Name = Electrik Type = Album Artist = Maksim Mrvica Released = 2006 Recorded = ??? Genre = Crossover, Electronic music, classical Length = Label = EMI Producer = Reviews = Last album = A New World (2005) This album = Electrik… … Wikipedia
Мрвица — Мрвица, Максим Максим Мрвица Maksim Mrvica Основная информация Имя при рождении Максим Мрвица … Википедия
Exodus (disambiguation) — Exodus is the second book of the Torah and the Christian Bible. The Exodus is the departure of Hebrew slaves from Egypt under the leadership of Moses as related in the above book.Exodus or The Exodus may also refer to: In modern history*… … Wikipedia
The Piano Player (album) — Infobox Album | Name = The Piano Player Type = Album Artist = Maksim Mrvica Released = December 23, 2003 Recorded = ??? Genre = Crossover, classical Length = 55:07 (13 Tracks) Label = EMI Producer = Mel Bush, Jeff Wayne, Ian Wherry, Tonci Huljic … Wikipedia