
Beschreibung Frauenzeitschrift
Sprache Deutsch
Verlag Condé Nast Verlag (Deutschland)
Erscheinungsweise monatlich
Verkaufte Auflage (IVW III. Quartal 2009 Gesamt) 319.203 Exemplare
Verbreitete Auflage (IVW III. Quartal 2009 Gesamt) 322.629 Exemplare
Chefredakteurin Dr. Sabine Hofmann
Herausgeberin Manuela Kampp-Wirtz
Weblink Homepage Myself
ISSN 1862-4588

myself ist eine monatliche Frauenzeitschrift aus dem Condé Nast Verlag. Die Erstausgabe erschien am 27. August 2005 zum Preis von 2,50 €. Seitdem liegt die Chefredaktion unverändert bei Dr. Sabine Hofmann. Die Zielgruppe liegt laut Verlagsangaben bei Frauen zwischen 25 und 49 Jahren. Inzwischen liegt der Einzelpreis bei 2,80 €.

Zahlen und Daten


Quartal Verbreitung Verkauf Abo-Exemplare Einzelverkauf
I/2006 230.226 220.779 9.479 170.764
II/2006 254.759 246.673 12.714 154.661
III/2006 306.411 301.778 12.874 180.404
IV/2006 290.977 287.346 12.128 171.707
I/2007 310.226 304.816 13.444 180.440
II/2007 279.339 275.123 14.594 170.363
III/2007 320.581 316.500 14.190 201.017
IV/2007 289.276 285.418 13.264 165.018
I/2008 309.604 304.931 12.576 185.652
II/2008 295.434 290.040 16.835 171.273
III/2008 307.141 301.184 18.756 181.968
IV/2008 277.685 273.430 21.580 153.140



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Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach:

  • myself — has two main roles: (1) as a reflexive pronoun in which the object of the action is the same as the speaker (I managed to restrain myself / I was put in a room by myself), (2) as an emphatic pronoun reinforcing the simple pronoun I (I began to… …   Modern English usage

  • myself — [mī self′, məself′] pron. [ME meself < OE me sylf: see ME & SELF] a form of I2, used: a) as an intensifier [I saw it myself] b) as a reflexive [I hurt myself] c) with the meaning “my real, true, or normal self” [I am not myself today ] (in… …   English World dictionary

  • Myself — My*self , pron.; pl. {Ourselves}. I or me in person; used for emphasis, my own self or person; as I myself will do it; I have done it myself; used also instead of me, as the object of the first person of a reflexive verb, without emphasis; as, I… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Myself — Album par Jolin Tsai Sortie 10 août 2010 Durée 39:10 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • myself — (pron.) c.1500, alteration of meself, from O.E. phrase (ic) me self, where me is a kind of ethical dative [OED], altered in Middle Ages from meself on analogy of herself, with her felt as genitive; though analogous hisself remains bad form …   Etymology dictionary

  • myself — ► PRONOUN (first person sing. ) 1) (reflexive ) used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself as the object of a verb or preposition when he or she is the subject of the clause. 2) (emphatic ) I or me personally. 3) literary term for I(Cf. ↑I) …   English terms dictionary

  • myself — /muy self /, pron., pl. ourselves /ahr selvz , oweur , ow euhr /. 1. (used as an intensive of me or I): I myself will challenge the winner. 2. (used reflexively in place of me as the object of a preposition or as the direct or indirect object of… …   Universalium

  • myself — my|self [ maı self ] pronoun *** Myself is a reflexive pronoun, being the reflexive form of I. It is used especially in the following ways: as an object that refers to the speaker or writer who is the subject of the sentence or is mentioned… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • myself */*/*/ — UK [maɪˈself] / US pronoun Summary: Myself is a reflexive pronoun, being the reflexive form of I. It is used especially in the following ways: as an object that refers to the speaker or writer who is the subject of the sentence or is mentioned… …   English dictionary

  • myself — [[t]maɪse̱lf[/t]] ♦♦ (Myself is the first person singular reflexive pronoun.) 1) PRON REFL: v PRON, prep PRON A speaker or writer uses myself to refer to himself or herself. Myself is used as the object of a verb or preposition when the subject… …   English dictionary

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