

Naimark ist der Familienname folgender Personen:

  • Mark Neumark (19091978), russischer Mathematiker
  • Norman Naimark (* 1944), US-amerikanischer Historiker und Politikwissenschaftler
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Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach:

  • Naimark — is a surname. Notable persons with the surname include: Arnold Naimark, former president of the University of Manitoba Mark Naimark, Soviet mathematician Michael Naimark, media artist Norman Naimark, Stanford University historian See also Naimark …   Wikipedia

  • Naimark's problem — is a question in functional analysis. It asks whether every C* algebra that has only one irreducible representation up to unitary equivalence is isomorphic to the algebra of compact operators on some Hilbert space. The problem was solved in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Naimark's dilation theorem — In operator theory, Naimark s dilation theorem is a result that characterizes positive operator valued measures. It can be viewed as a consequence of Stinespring s dilation theorem. Contents 1 Note 2 Some preliminary notions 3 Naimark s theorem …   Wikipedia

  • Mark Naimark — Mark Aronovich Naimark (Russian: Марк Аронович Наймарк) (December 5, 1909 December 30, 1978) was a Soviet mathematician. He was born in Odessa, Russian Empire (today s Ukraine) into a Jewish family and died in Moscow, USSR. He received his PhD in …   Wikipedia

  • Michael Naimark — Michael Naimark, NYC, Feb 2010 Michael Naimark is a media artist and researcher who often explores “place representation.” Biography Naimark helped found a number of prominent research labs including the MIT Media Laboratory (1980), the Atari… …   Wikipedia

  • Norman Naimark — (1944 ) is an American historian and author who specializes in modern Eastern European history, and genocide and ethnic cleansing in the region. He is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, and a professor in the history department at… …   Wikipedia

  • Gelfand–Naimark theorem — In mathematics, the Gelfand–Naimark theorem states that an arbitrary C* algebra A is isometrically * isomorphic to a C* algebra of bounded operators on a Hilbert space. This result was a significant point in the development of the theory of C*… …   Wikipedia

  • Norman M. Naimark — (* 1944 in Kalifornien) ist ein US amerikanischer Historiker und Politikwissenschaftler. Er ist Professor für Geschichte am Robert and Florence McDonnell Institut für Osteuropäische Studien und Direktor der Historischen Fakultät (Zentrum für… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Norman Naimark — Norman M. Naimark (* 1944 in Kalifornien) ist ein US amerikanischer Historiker und Politikwissenschaftler. Er ist Professor für Geschichte am Robert and Florence McDonnell Institut für Osteuropäische Studien und Direktor der Historischen Fakultät …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Mark Naimark — Mark Aronowitsch Neumark (auch Naimark, russisch Марк Аронович Наймарк, wiss. Transliteration Mark Aronovič Najmark; * 5. Dezember 1909 in Odessa, heute Ukraine; † 30. Dezember 1978 in Moskau) war ein sowjetischer Mathematiker, der sich mit… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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