- New Citharen Lessons
New Citharen Lessons von Thomas Robinson (ca. 1560-1609 ?), Komponist der englischen Renaissance, erschienen 1609 in London, war ein Lehrbuch für Cister, ein Zupfinstrument.
Die ersten 47 Stücke sind für vierchörige Cister (Stimmung der Chöre 1 bis 4: e' d' g b), die Stücke 48 bis 53 für 14chörige Cister (Stimmung: e' d' g bb f d G F E D C BBb AA GG) komponiert.
- My Lord Treasurer his Paven
- The Galliard to the Pavin before
- A Fantasie
- Wades Welfare
- Powles Carranta
- O Cupid looke about thee
- For two Citherens in the unison (A Jigge for two Citherens)
- A Ground
- Pipers Galiard
- A Psalme
- Philips Pavin
- A Galiard
- A Galiard: Can she excuse my wrongs
- A Galiard
- A Psalme
- Passamezzo Paven
- Oft I have forsworne her company
- Galliard to the Quadron Pavin
- An Almaine
- A French Toy
- Excuse me
- Robinson Idelsbie
- Shepard shoot home
- Ioan come kisse me now
- A Psalme
- Passamezzo Galiard
- The new Hunts up
- Souches March
- Whetelies wheat-sheafe
- O Hone
- An Almaine
- An Almaine
- Robinsons modicum
- An Almaine
- Farewell deare love
- Alexander Chezum his Curranta
- Robarts Request
- The Quadro Pavin
- For two Citharens
- What if a day
- Ah, alas, thou God of Gods
- Now Cupid looke about thee
- Pauuana Passamezzo
- Mr. North his Novell
- Fantasia
- Fantasia 2
- Fantasia 3
- Fantasia 4
- William Casey (Hrsg.), Alfredo Colman (Hrsg.), Thomas Robinson: New Citharen Lessons (1609), 1997 Baylor University Press, Waco, Texas, ISBN 0-918954-65-7
- G. Doc Rossi, Cittern Music of Thomas Robinson, 2007 Cetra Publishing, Michigan, USA. www.cetrapublishing.com [contains New Citharen Lessons plus all known pieces in manuscripts. 2 volumes - Vol. I Tablature. Vol. II Commentary and transcriptions. Available in print and as eBook.]
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