NORDENSKJÖLD (A. E.) — NORDENSKJÖLD ADOLF ERIK baron (1832 1901) Explorateur suédois. Chimiste et géologue de formation, Adolf Erik Nordenskjöld est d’abord ingénieur des mines au service de la Russie. Révoqué pour raisons politiques, il s’établit en Suède et se… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Nordenskjöld — Nordenskjöld, Otto, Polarfahrer, Neffe von N. A. E. Nordenskiöld, geb. 6. Dez. 1869 in Hesselby (Småland), studierte Geologie, wurde Privatdozent für Geologie an der Universität Upsala, unternahm 1895–97 mit dem Botaniker Dusén eine Expedition… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Nordenskjöld — Nordenskjöld, Adolf Erik … Enciclopedia Universal
Nordenskjöld — Nordenskjöld1 [noor′dən shüld΄] Baron Nils Adolf Erik [nils ä′dō̂lf ā′rik] 1832 1901; Swed. arctic explorer, born in Finland Nordenskjöld2 [noor′dən shüld΄] former name for LAPTEV SEA … English World dictionary
Nordenskjöld — Nordenskiöld Le nom Nordenskiöld ou Nordenskjöld est porté par des personnalités de Finlande, la plupart apparentées entre elles (par ordre alphabétique) : Anders Johan Nordenskiöld (1696 1753), militaire finnois [1]. August Nordenskiöld… … Wikipédia en Français
Nordenskjöld Outcrops — Nordenskjold Outcrops (64°27′S 58°58′W / 64.45°S 58.967°W / 64.45; 58.967) is a rock outcrops on the west side of Longing Peninsula at the northeast end of Nordenskjold Coast. The feature extends sout … Wikipedia
Nordenskjold Peak — (54°29′S 36°22′W / 54.483°S 36.367°W / 54.483; 36.367) is a conspicuous, partly snow covered mountain, 2,355 m, which rises at the head of Nordenskjold Glacier and stands c … Wikipedia
Nordenskjold Basin — is an undersea basin named in association with the Nordenskjold Ice Tongue (itself after explorer Otto Nordenskiöld). Name approved 4/80 (ACUF 201). Coordinates: 76°3′S 165°0′E / … Wikipedia
Nordenskjold Ice Tongue — is a broad glacier tongue extending eastward from the Mawson Glacier into the Ross Sea in Antarctica. Discovered by the Discovery expedition (1901–04) and named for Otto Nordenskiöld. Although this feature is a glacier tongue, the generic term… … Wikipedia
Nordenskjold Outcrops — (coord|64|27|S|58|58|W|) is a rock outcrops on the west side of Longing Peninsula at the northeast end of Nordenskjold Coast. The feature extends south for 2 miles (3.2 km) from the vicinity of Longing Gap and is the type locality for the… … Wikipedia