Oppert — Oppert, Hebrew: אופרט Family name Meaning from archaic German masculine given name ot beraht (wealthg + bright) adopted from Oppenheimer (Germanized) Region of origin Germany (north eastern Brandenburg, Berlin) Lan … Wikipedia
Oppert — Oppert, 1) Julius, Orientalist, geb. 9. Juli 1825 in Hamburg von israelitischen Eltern, gest. 21. Aug. 1905 in Paris, studierte in Heidelberg, Bonn und Berlin, promovierte 1847 in Kiel, widmete sich dem speziellen Studium des Zend und… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Oppert — Oppert, Julius, Orientalist, geb. 9. Juli 1825 zu Hamburg, von israel. Eltern, erforschte 1851 54 im Auftrage der franz. Regierung die Ruinenstätten in Mesopotamien, seit 1857 Prof. zu Paris, gest. das. 21. Aug. 1905; widmete sich bes. der… … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Oppert — [ɔ pɛːr], Jules, französischer Assyriologe, * Hamburg 9. 7. 1825, ✝ Paris 21. 8. 1905; gehörte zu den bahnbrechenden Erforschern der babylonischen Keilschrift und der Keilschriftsprachen. Werk: Documents juridiques de l Assyrie et de la… … Universal-Lexikon
OPPERT, GUSTAV SALOMON — (1836–1908), German Orientalist and Indologist. Born in Hamburg, younger brother of the assyrologist Julius (Jules) oppert and of Ernst Jacob Oppert, merchant and traveler, Oppert studied languages, literature, philosophy, and history in Bonn,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
OPPERT, JULES JULIUS — (1825–1905), French philologist, Orientalist, and archaeologist. Born in Hamburg, he studied law but changed to Oriental languages. He migrated to France where he continued his research on Old Persian and Assyrian and became a recognized… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Oppert, Jules — (1825 1905) French philologist, orientalist and archaeologist. Born in Hamburg, he settled in France early in his life. He became an authority on Old Persian and Assyrian, and in 1851 he went on an expedition to explore Mesopotamia, where he… … Dictionary of Jewish Biography
OPPERT, Jules — (1825–1905) German born scholar who began by studying law at Heidelberg before he switched to oriental studies at Bonn, working on Old Persian grammar and texts. In 1848 he moved to France and joined a French government–sponsored expedition to … Historical Dictionary of Mesopotamia
Julius Oppert — Jules Oppert Jules Oppert Naissance 9 juillet 1825 Hambourg Décès 21 août& … Wikipédia en Français
Jules Oppert — Naissance 9 juillet 1825 Hambourg Décès 21 août … Wikipédia en Français