

Das PAYE Formular P45 (Titel: Details of employee leaving work) des britischen und irischen Steuerrechts ist eine der deutschen Lohnsteuerkarte vergleichbare Bescheinigung über das gezahlte Gehalt und die abgeführten Lohnsteuern und Sozialabgaben.

Ein Durchschlag des P45 wird von dem Arbeitsgeber beim Ausscheiden aus dem Beschäftigungsverhältnis dem Arbeitnehmer übergeben und ist bei der Aufnahme einer neuen Beschäftigung dem neuen Arbeitgeber vorzulegen. Da die Übergabe der Bescheinigung mit dem Ende eines Beschäftigungsverhältnisses einhergeht, steht der Begriff ein P45 bekommen umgangssprachlich für eine Kündigung erhalten.


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  • P45 — [ˌpi fɔːtiˈfaɪv ǁ fɔːrti ] noun [countable usually singular] TAX in Britain, an official document given to a person when they leave their job, showing how much money they have earned, and how much tax and national insurance they have paid during… …   Financial and business terms

  • P45 — UK [ˌpiː fɔː(r)tiː ˈfaɪv] US [ˌpi fɔrti ˈfaɪv] noun [countable] [singular P45 plural P45s] in the UK, an official document from a company that shows that you have stopped working for them and gives details of how much tax you have paid …   Useful english dictionary

  • P45 — may refer to: P45 (tax), a basic code for Details of employees leaving work in UK and Irish taxation Papyrus 45, a New Testament manuscript and part of the Chester Beatty Collection Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, a long word in… …   Wikipedia

  • P45 — in the UK, an official document that is given to you by your employer when you leave a job. It gives details of the money you have earned and the taxes you have paid during this period of employment, and if you start a new job you have to give it …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • P45 — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.   Sigles d’une seule lettre   Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres   Sigles de quatre lettres …   Wikipédia en Français

  • P45 — UK [ˌpiː fɔː(r)tiː ˈfaɪv] / US [ˌpɪ fɔrtɪ ˈfaɪv] noun [countable] Word forms P45 : singular P45 plural P45s in the UK, an official document from a company that shows that you have stopped working for them and gives details of how much tax you… …   English dictionary

  • P45 Magazine — Pays  Canada Langue Français Périodicité Hebdomadaire Genre Webzine Fondateur Nicolas Langelier …   Wikipédia en Français

  • P45 (tax) — A P45 in the United Kingdom, and the Republic of Ireland is the reference code of a form titled Details of employee leaving work. The term is used in British slang as a metonym for termination of employment. The equivalent in the United States is …   Wikipedia

  • P45 — (in Britain) an official form you are given when you leave a job, which shows how much tax you have paid. You give it to your employer when you start a new job. * * * …   Universalium

  • P45 — noun A form that an employee receives when they terminate their employment, detailing income for social security and taxation purposes for the current financial year …   Wiktionary

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