

Panofsky ist der Familienname folgender Personen:

  • Erwin Panofsky (18921968), deutsch-US-amerikanischer Kunsthistoriker
  • Eugen Panofsky (18551922), deutsch-jüdischer Bankier und Berliner Kommunalpolitiker
  • Wolfgang Panofsky (19192007), US-amerikanischer Teilchenphysiker
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  • PANOFSKY (E.) — PANOFSKY ERWIN (1892 1968) Loin de considérer l’histoire de l’art comme le simple récit événementiel de la succession des œuvres et des artistes à travers la juxtaposition des catalogues et des biographies, Erwin Panofsky a voulu le dernier peut… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Panofsky — may refer to one of the following:People* Erwin Panofsky, an art historian * Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky, a German American physicist, a son of Erwin PanofskyOther* Panofsky Prize awarded in the field of particle physics * Panofsky Ratio, a quantity… …   Wikipedia

  • Panofsky — Erwin Panofsky Erwin Panofsky (le 30 mars 1892 à Hanovre, Allemagne le 14 mars 1968 à Princeton) est un historien de l art et un essayiste allemand d origine juive émigré aux États Unis. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Ses apports …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Panofsky — Panọfsky   [ ki],    1) Erwin, amerikanischer Kunsthistoriker deutscher Herkunft, * Hannover 30. 3. 1892, ✝ Princeton (N. J.) 14. 3. 1968, Vater von 2); war 1926 33 Professor in Hamburg, ab 1935 am Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton.… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Panofsky — noun art historian (1892 1968) • Syn: ↑Erwin Panofsky • Instance Hypernyms: ↑art historian * * * /pa nof skee/, n. Erwin, 1892 1968, U.S. art historian, born in Germany …   Useful english dictionary

  • PANOFSKY, ERWIN — (1892–1968), U.S. art historian. Born in Hanover, Germany, he studied at universities in Berlin, Munich, and Breslau, receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Freiburg in 1914. He taught at the University of Hamburg from 1926 to 1933. After the …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Panofsky Prize — The Panofsky Prize is an annual $10,000 prize given to recognize and encourage outstanding achievements in experimental particle physics, and is open to scientists of any nation. It was established in 1985 by friends of Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky, a …   Wikipedia

  • Panofsky, Erwin — born March 30, 1892, Hannover, Ger. died March 14, 1968, Princeton, N.J., U.S. German born U.S. art historian. A professor at the University of Hamburg (1926–33), he fled Nazi Germany for the U.S. and in 1935 began teaching at Princeton s… …   Universalium

  • Panofsky, Erwin — (1892 1968)    art historian; helped establish Hamburg as a research center in art history. Born in Hamburg, he began studies in law, but switched under the influence of Freiburg s Wilhelm Voge to art history. He wrote his doctoral thesis in 1914 …   Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik

  • Panofsky, Wolfgang Kurt Hermann — ▪ 2008 “Pief”        German born American particle physicist and arms control adviser born April 24, 1919, Berlin, Ger. died Sept. 24, 2007, Los Altos, Calif. supported the building of strong scientific relations with Russia and China to avoid… …   Universalium

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