Patrick Syme

Patrick Syme

Patrick Syme (* 17. September 1774 in Edinburgh; † 25. Juli 1845 in Dollar, Clackmannanshire) war ein schottischer Pflanzenmaler.


Leben und Wirken

Patrick Syme übernahm 1803 nach dem Tod eines älteren Bruder dessen Position eines Zeichenlehrer in Edinburgh. Von 1808 an stellte er in der Society of Arts aus. Am 8. November 1822 heiratete Eliza Boswell, die Tochter von Claude Boswell, dem späteren Lord Balmuto. Ihr Sohn war der Botaniker John Thomas Irvine Syme (1822-1888).

Auf Empfehlung von Sir William Jardine (1800-1874), den er unterrichtet hatte, lehrte er von 1740 bis 1745 an der Dollar Academy in Dollar (Clackmannanshire).[1]

Einige seiner Bilder befinden sich in der National Gallery of Scotland.


  • Practical Directions for Learning Flower-Drawing. A Series of Progressive Lessons. William Blackwood, Edinburgh 1810
  • Werner's Nomenclature of Colours: With Additions, Arranged So as to Render it Highly Useful to the Arts and Sciences. Annexed to which are Examples Selected from Well-known Objects in the Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral Kingdoms. W. Blackwood, 1814 (Übersetzung); online
  • A treatise on British song-birds. Including observations of their natural habits, manner of incubation, &c. with remarks on the treatment of the young and management of the old birds in a domestic state. John Anderson, Edinburgh 1823 - Zeichnungen von R. Scott


  • Robert Brydall: History of Art in Scotland. S. 241 f., ISBN 1409783014
  • Ray Desmond, Christine Ellwood: Dictionary of British and Irish Botanists and Horticulturists: Including Plant Collectors, Flower Painters, and Garden Designers. CRC Press, 1994, S. 669, ISBN 0850668433
  • Samuel Redgrave: A Dictionary of Artists of the English School: Painters, Sculptors, Architects, Engravers and Ornamentists: With Notices of Their Lives and Work. Bell, London 1878


  1. Christine Elisabeth Jackson, Peter Davis: Sir William Jardine: A Life in Natural History. Continuum International Publishing Group, 2001, S. 235, ISBN 0718501640


  • Zeichnungen für das Botanical Magazin: Tafel 2204, 2238, 2461

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