Pins — Pins, 1) Odo von P., 1297–1300 Großmeister des Johanniterordens. 2) Gerard von P., 1316, vicarirender Großmeister. 3) Roger von P., 1355–65 Großmeister … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Pins — Pins, Ile des (spr. ihl dä päng), Fichten , Kiefern oder Pinieninsel, Kunié, franz. Insel, zum Gouv. Neukaledonien gehörig, 160 qkm, 635 E … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
PINS — Persons in need of supervision Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations … Law dictionary
Pins — (île des) île franç. du Pacifique, située à 50 km au nord ouest de la Nouvelle Calédonie, dont elle dépend; 153 km²; 1 095 hab.; ch. l. Vao. île pénitentiaire pour les déportés de la Commune, de 1872 à 1879 … Encyclopédie Universelle
Pins — Pin (plante) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Pin … Wikipédia en Français
pins — One important folkloric function of pins is to symbolize attack. Witches were regularly suspected of using them in their destructive *image magic, and of mysteriously introducing them into the bodies of their victims, who would then vomit them … A Dictionary of English folklore
Pins in It — Infobox Album | Name = Pins In It Type = Album Artist = The Human Instinct Background = lightsteelblue Released = 1971 Recorded = Mascot Studios, Auckland, May 1971 Genre = Blues rock Length = 44:07 Label = Pye Records Producer = John Kerr,… … Wikipedia
pins — pɪn n. small needle; spike; prong, peg; metallic prong on a chip or electrical plug v. fasten with pins, attach with pins; stick, stab; confine, hold, immobilize … English contemporary dictionary
pins — The ports on the back of your computer and an external modem will have pins. Each pin has a certain function, such as letting the computer know that the modem is online … Dictionary of telecommunications
pins — n pl legs. The word was first recorded in this sense in 1530 when pin was synony mous with (wooden) peg. I m a bit unsteady on my pins … Contemporary slang