- Protokoll (IP)
Das Feld Protokoll (protocol) im IPv4-Header gibt an, zu welchem Protokoll (auch „Folgeprotokoll“ genannt) die im betreffenden IPv4-Paket transportierten Nutzdaten gehören. Das Feld ist 8 Bit breit und kann daher Werte von 0 bis 255 (dezimal) aufnehmen. Die Werte waren im RFC 1700 festgelegt. Seit 2002 wurde durch RFC 3232 eine Online-Datenbank für Protokoll-Nummern bei der IANA als aktuell definiert. Allerdings kommen in Netzen auch Protokolle vor, die (noch) nicht bei der IANA registriert sind.
Im IPv6-Header gibt es dieses Feld ebenfalls, allerdings heißt es dort Next Header. Die zulässigen Werte sind die gleichen wie beim Feld protocol bei IPv4.
Protokollnummer Protokoll 0 HOPOPT (IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Option) 1 ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) 2 IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) 3 GGP (Gateway-to-Gateway) 4 IP (IP in IP (encapsulation)) 5 Stream 6 TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) 7 CBT (Core Based Trees) 8 EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol) 9 IGP (any private interior gateway) 10 BBN-RCC-MON (BBN RCC Monitoring) 11 NVP-II (Network Voice Protocol) 12 PUP 13 ARGUS 14 EMCON 15 XNET (Cross Net Debugger) 16 CHAOS 17 UDP (User Datagram Protocol) 18 Multiplexing 19 DCN-MEAS (DCN Measurement Subsystems) 20 HMP (Host Monitoring) 21 PRM (Packet Radio Measurement) 22 XNS-IDP (XEROX NS IDP) 23 TRUNK-1 24 TRUNK-2 25 LEAF-1 26 LEAF-2 27 RDP (Reliable Data Protocol) 28 IRTP (Internet Reliable Transaction Protocol) 29 ISO-TP4 (ISO Transport Protocol Class 4) 30 NETBLT (Bulk Data Transfer Protocol) 31 MFE-NSP (MFE Network Services Protocol) 32 MERIT-INP (MERIT Internodal Protocol) 33 DCCP (Datagram Congestion Control Protocol) 34 3PC (Third Party Connect Protocol) 35 IDPR (Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol) 36 XTP 37 DDP (Datagram Delivery Protocol) 38 IDPR-CMTP (IDPR Control Message Transport Proto) 39 TP++ (TP++ Transport Protocol) 40 IL (IL Transport Protocol) 41 IPv6 42 SDRP (Source Demand Routing Protocol) 43 IPv6-Route (Routing Header for IPv6) 44 IPv6-Frag (Fragment Header for IPv6) 45 IDRP (Inter-Domain Routing Protocol) 46 RSVP (Reservation Protocol) 47 GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation) 48 MHRP (Mobile Host Routing Protocol) 49 BNA 50 ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload) 51 AH (Authentication Header) 52 I-NLSP (Integrated Net Layer Security TUBA) 53 SWIPE (IP with Encryption) 54 NARP (NBMA Address Resolution Protocol) 55 MOBILE (IP Mobility) 56 TLSP (Transport Layer Security Protocol) 57 SKIP 58 IPv6-ICMP (ICMP for IPv6) 59 IPv6-NoNxt (Kein nächster Header für IPv6) 60 IPv6-Opts (Destination Options for IPv6) 61 Jedes Host-interne Protokoll 62 CFTP 63 Jedes lokale Netz 64 SAT-EXPAK (SATNET and Backroom EXPAK) 65 KRYPTOLAN 66 RVD (MIT Remote Virtual Disk Protocol) 67 IPPC (Internet Pluribus Packet Core) 68 Jedes verteilte Dateisystem 69 SAT-MON (SATNET Monitoring) 70 VISA 71 IPCV (Internet Packet Core Utility) 72 CPNX (Computer Protocol Network Executive) 73 CPHB (Computer Protocol Heart Beat) 74 WSN (Wang Span Network) 75 PVP (Packet Video Protocol) 76 BR-SAT-MON (Backroom SATNET Monitoring) 77 SUN-ND (SUN ND PROTOCOL-Temporary) 78 WB-MON (WIDEBAND Monitoring) 79 WB-EXPAK (WIDEBAND EXPAK) 80 ISO-IP (ISO Internet Protocol) 81 VMTP 82 SECURE-VMTP 83 VINES 84 TTP 85 NSFNET-IGP (NSFNET-IGP) 86 DGP (Dissimilar Gateway Protocol) 87 TCF 88 EIGRP 89 OSPF 90 Sprite-RPC (Sprite RPC Protocol) 91 LARP (Locus Address Resolution Protocol) 92 MTP (Multicast Transport Protocol) 93 AX.25 (AX.25 Frames) 94 IPIP (IP-within-IP Encapsulation Protocol) 95 MICP (Mobile Internetworking Control Pro.) 96 SCC-SP (Semaphore Communications Sec. Pro.) 97 ETHERIP (Ethernet-within-IP Encapsulation) 98 ENCAP (Encapsulation Header) 99 Jeder private Verschlüsselungsentwurf 100 GMTP 101 IFMP (Ipsilon Flow Management Protocol) 102 PNNI (over IP) 103 PIM (Protocol Independent Multicast) 104 ARIS 105 SCPS 106 QNX 107 A/N (Active Networks) 108 IPComp (IP Payload Compression Protocol) 109 SNP (Sitara Networks Protocol) 110 Compaq-Peer (Compaq Peer Protocol) 111 IPX-in-IP (IPX in IP) 112 VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol) 113 PGM (PGM Reliable Transport Protocol) 114 any 0-hop protocol 115 L2TP (Layer Two Tunneling Protocol) 116 DDX (D-II Data Exchange (DDX)) 117 IATP (Interactive Agent Transfer Protocol) 118 STP (Schedule Transfer Protocol) 119 SRP (SpectraLink Radio Protocol) 120 UTI 121 SMP (Simple Message Protocol) 122 SM 123 PTP (Performance Transparency Protocol) 124 ISIS over IPv4 125 FIRE 126 CRTP (Combat Radio Transport Protocol) 127 CRUDP (Combat Radio User Datagram) 128 SSCOPMCE 129 IPLT 130 SPS (Secure Packet Shield) 131 PIPE (Private IP Encapsulation within IP) 132 SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) 133 FC (Fibre Channel) 134 RSVP-E2E-IGNORE 135 Mobility Header 136 UDPLite 137 MPLS-in-IP 138 manet (MANET Protocols) 139 HIP (Host Identity Protocol) 140 Shim6 (Shim6 Protocol) 141 WESP (Wrapped Encapsulating Security Payload) 142 ROHC (Robust Header Compression) 143–252 Nicht belegt 253–254 Wird für Experimente und Tests verwendet 255 Reserviert Weblinks
- PROTOCOL NUMBERS from Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
- RFC 1700, ASSIGNED NUMBERS, October 1994 (see section Assigned Internet Protocol Numbers)
- RFC 3232, Assigned Numbers: RFC 1700 is Replaced by an On-line Database, January 2002
- RFC 2460, Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification, December 1998
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