RAAS — ist: ein ehemaliger niederländischer Radrennfahrer, siehe Jan Raas eine Katastralgemeinde von Thannhausen in der Steiermark, siehe Raas (Gemeinde Thannhausen) ein Ort in der Gemeinde Natz Schabs in Südtirol RAAS steht für: Región Autónoma del… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Raas — may refer to: Robot as a Service, Robot as a Service Renin angiotensin aldosterone system, a hormone system that helps regulate long term blood pressure and blood volume in the body Runway Awareness and Advisory System, an airplane avionics… … Wikipedia
Raas — (Raasen) bei Bienen so v.w. Bau 5) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Raas — Raas, die Waben eines Bienennestes … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
raas — raas(e obs. forms of race n.1, rase v.1 … Useful english dictionary
Raas — 1 Original name in latin Raas Name in other language Raas State code ID Continent/City Asia/Jakarta longitude 7.12474 latitude 113.60051 altitude 21 Population 0 Date 2012 06 07 2 Original name in latin Raas Name in other language Raas State code … Cities with a population over 1000 database
Raas — Kecamatan de Raas Administration Pays Indonesie !Indonésie Type Kecamatan Géographie … Wikipédia en Français
raas — n Jamaican an all purpose term of abuse or exclama tion of anger or contempt. A version of (up) (your) arse or a short form of raas clat. Compare yass … Contemporary slang
RAAS Jodhpur — (Джодхпур,Индия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Tunwarji ka Jhalra Makrana Mohalla, 342001 Дж … Каталог отелей
Raas (disambiguation) — The term Raas has different meanings:*RAAS or renin angiotensin aldosterone system, a hormone system that helps regulate long term blood pressure and blood volume in the body *RAAS or Runway Awareness and Advisory System, an airplane avionics… … Wikipedia