Rennie — (spr. Renni), 1) John, geb. 1761 in Schottland; war Anfangs Mühlenbaumeister, bildete sich zum Baumeister, vorzüglich in Hafen , Brücken u. Marinebauten u. in dem dahin einschlagenden Maschinenwesen. Von der britischen Regierung zum Vorsteher… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Rennie — (spr. rénni), John, Zivilingenieur, geb. 7. Juni 1761 zu Preston Kirk in Schottland, gest. 16. Okt. 1821 in London, war erst Mühlenbauer, leitete 1786 den Bau der Albionmühlen in London, erbaute den Kennet und Avonkanal, der 1/2 Stunde weit… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Rennie — Rennie, John, Schotte, geb. 1761, gest. 1822 zu London, berühmter Baumeister; seine Hauptwerke sind: der Kennet u. Avonkanal, der Hafendamm von Plymouth, die Ankerschmiede in Portsmouth, zu London die Waterloo und Southwarkbrücke … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
RENNIE — UNITED KINGDOM (see also List of Individuals) 7.6.1761 Phantassie/UK 4.10.1821 London/UK John Rennie had talents in both mathematics and engineering. As a boy already, he designed mills in collaboration with a Scottish professional. Rennie made… … Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000
Rennie — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. John Rennie (1761 1821), ingénieur écossais. Michael Rennie (1909 1971), acteur britannique. John Ogilvy Rennie (1914–1981), directeur du Secret… … Wikipédia en Français
Rennie — Recorded in many forms including Rainy, Rainey, Rany, Rennie, Renny, Rennison, and Renison, this is an Anglo Scottish surname. It is or rather was, an endearment form of the original personal name Reynold , a compound of the Germanic elements… … Surnames reference
Rennie v. Klein — was a case heard in the Federal District Court of New Jersey in 1978 to decide whether an involuntarily committed mental patient has a constitutional right to refuse psychiatric medication. It was the first case to establish that such a patient… … Wikipedia
Rennie Airth — (born 1935) is the author of four novels, including two mysteries set in post World War I England featuring protagonist Detective Inspector John Madden of Scotland Yard. The first of these, River of Darkness , won the Grand Prix de Littérature… … Wikipedia
Rennie MacKintosh Hotel Central Station Glasgow (Glasgow) — Rennie MacKintosh Hotel Central Station Glasgow country: United Kingdom, city: Glasgow (Glasgow) Rennie MacKintosh Hotel Central Station Glasgow Located next to Glasgow Central Station, Rennie MacKintosh Hotel is surrounded by bars, shops and… … International hotels
Rennie MacKintosh Hotel Glasgow (Glasgow) — Rennie MacKintosh Hotel Glasgow country: United Kingdom, city: Glasgow (City) Rennie MacKintosh Hotel Glasgow Centrally located, Rennie MacKintosh Hotel Glasgow is just a 5 minutes walk from Sauchiehall Street, famous for its bars, restaurants… … International hotels