Sinkadus — Slag i ansigtet … Danske encyklopædi
sinkadus — • örfil … Svensk synonymlexikon
sinkadus — I s ( en, er) slump II s ( en, er) tvåa och femma vid tärningskast III s ( en, er) örfil … Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok
Timeline of progressive rock and progressive metal — This is a list of events, artists, and albums constituting a timeline of major developments in progressive rock and progressive metal.Contents1962 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 … Wikipedia
Daldøs — The title of this article contains the character Ø. Where it is unavailable or not desired, the name may be represented as Daldoes. Daldøs rolling pin style dice. Daldøs [dal døs] is a running fight board game only known from a few coastal… … Wikipedia
Target Games — AB Former type Publicly traded Aktiebolag Industry Role playing games, Collectible card games, Miniature wargaming other assorted media … Wikipedia
List of Swedish television series — An A Z list of television series produced in Sweden and the date of first airing: * 100 höjdare (2004) * 13 Demon Street (1959) * 16 år (1960) * 1628 (1991) * 2 mot 1 (1998) * 24 karat (1990) * 3 Friends Jerry (1999) * 5:e kvinnan, Den (2002)… … Wikipedia
Mona Seilitz — in 1988. Mona Seilitz (January 16, 1943 Malmö, Sweden April 2, 2008 Malmö) was a Swedish film and television actress and entertainer. She was considered to be a veteran of both Swedish dramatic and comedic television.[1] … Wikipedia
Kristofer Aström — Kristofer Åström Kristofer Åström ist ein schwedischer Singer Songwriter. Er ist neben seinen umfangreichen Projekten als Solokünstler auch Frontmann der Rockband Fireside. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Diskographie … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kristofer Åström — (* 9. Oktober 1974 in Luleå) ist ein schwedischer Singer Songwriter. Er ist neben seinen umfangreichen Projekten als Solokünstler auch Frontmann der Rockband Fireside. Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia